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warnings: fluffy omg uwu

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warnings: fluffy omg uwu

plot: You and Billie talk about having kids


You were sat on the bed reading a book hearing Billie aw at cute baby compilations for the fifth time today

"Billie," I say closing my book she looks over at me pausing her video

"Yes baby" She replys scooting closer to me 

"You have baby fever because this is the fifth time today I heard a baby giggle," I say looking at her in the eyes

"How could you not have baby fever they're so cute I just wanna squish their little cheeks and give them kisses and cuddles"Billie said in her baby voice with a small pout playing on her lips

I give her a peck

"You're adorable," I say making Billie turn away hiding her blush with her hair and turn back to me

"I want a baby inside of me," Billie said nonchalantly

"That's gonna be hard taking that we are both females," I say smiling

"Well grow a cock and nut in me cause I want to have your children," Billie said making me laugh out loud

"Our children have to look like you you're a cutie," I say making Billie smile

"you're a total chesseball," Billie says laughing

"Only for you," I say smiling and Billie gives me a kiss her lips lingering on mine for a moment before she pulls away completely

"We might NOT have the tools to get pregnant but I can sure as hell fuck you like you're gonna bare my child," Billie said grabbing my waist pulling me on top of her


6 years later

I wake up in Billie's arms I carefully pull myself out of her grip heading downstairs to make breakfast I start the coffee maker and hear footsteps come downstairs and I meet the eyes of a sleepy Billie

"Hi baby," I say kissing her forehead and Billie mumbles a small hi wrapping her arms around my waist leaning her head on my shoulder closing her eyes

she's cute when she's sleepy

"You want coffee love?" And Billie nods slightly letting me go hesitantly and sits on the opposite counter watching me make her coffee the way she likes before when we were younger Billie would avoid coffee like fire because she would get jittery but now she can't live without it

I hand a slightly more awake Billie her coffee and she smiles giving me a peck before taking a long sip of her coffee

Soon we both hear footsteps come downstairs and dash toward the kitchen and Billie and I meet two sets of eyes with a smile

"What did we tell you two about running, you might hurt yourselves," I say picking up one of our kids kissing their cheek making them groan wiping the area

"No kisses mommy" She groaned pouting

"Why not Ophelia," I ask watching the other child tug on the pant leg of billies pajamas making Billie smile pulling the child onto her lap attacking them with kisses making them giggle

"I don't like kisses," Ophelia said crossing her arms

"What about you Anastasia, do you like mommy's kisses," I ask looking at the girl identical to the one in my arms

"I love mama's kisses," She said smiling

"Suck up," Ophelia said to Anastasia making Billie laugh out loud

I look at my five-year-old twin daughters and smile they have Billie's blue eyes and nose and smile and they have my hair and ears a perfect blend of us both

"Well Ophelia since you don't like my kisses you can't get a Minnie mouse waffle," I say and she gasps

"Wait no please I love mama's kisses" She pouts

"fine you can get a waffle," I say and she cheers and I let her out of my arms and Billie let Anastasia off her lap and they walk to the dining tables digging into their waffles with big smiles

Billie and I watch them from the kitchen drowning their waffles in fruit and whipped cream, Billie hops off the counter and hugs me from behind placing an innocent kiss on my neck and I place my hands over her's

"I'm happy" Billie mumbles

"I'm happy too, I love you," I say turning to Billie giving her a kiss

"I love you too," Billie says kissing me again and we hear the twins groan

"Gross," They say in unison making Billie and I laugh walking to the dining room sitting down enjoy our breakfast

everything was great, we were happy





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