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Warnings: fluffy :')

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Warnings: fluffy :')

plot: you've been a fan of billie for years and met her loads of times you guys would always cling to each other when you saw each other at meet and greets but billie has a surprise in store for this concert


I was in line for like my 20th meet and greet for Billie I really fucking missed her

Billie finished meeting the fan in front of me she turned to see who's next and her eyes lit up and a huge smile spread across her face as we run to each other she jumps into my arms and i spun us around before trying to put Billie back on the floor but she wrapped her legs around my waist tucking her face into the crook of my neck  

"I haven't seen you in a month what the fuck" Billie mumbles into my shoulder hugging me as if I was gonna turn to dust [:'(] 

"I'm sorry I was broke" I whisper to her

Billie pulled away from the hug slightly to look at my face pouting

"I could have got you in for free" she huffs out

"I told you you're not allowed" I start but she cuts me off

"To do that, it's not fair, I know, I know" She rolls her eyes playfully and she finally lets me put her down, good cause she's kinda heavy and I'm weak as fuck 

We pose for a picture and I say bye to maggie as I grab my phone back from her I look back to see Billie look at me with a small frown


After Billie performed I love you with finneas there was a stool brought out meaning Billie wanted to talk to the crowd a bit

"Yo is it okay if I tell you guys something" Billie ask and the crowd if full of yeah's and loud screams

"So yes?" She says with a small chuckle making everyone laugh with her

"So I have a crush," She says all sheepishly making people aw and cheer it made my heart hurt hearing she liked someone

"And they're actually here in the crowd right now, so I need everyone to move back a little so I can come down there okay?" Billie says and the crowd moved a few steps back watching a few people almost fall over because they weren't paying attention

"Dude don't kill each other oh my god," Billie says watching someone fall over from being pushed

"Okay that's enough," She says getting up off her stool walking off the stage and she stands in front of the barrier on a platform

"I bet you're all nervous as fuck huh?" Billie says making us laugh

"Yeah? well me too" Billie says and we then make eye contact and she smiles holding her hand out to me making everyone gasp including myself I shake off the shock and grab her hand and she helps me over the barrier and onto the platform where she standing I turn my head watching maggie record with a big smile and I turn to see finneas sitting down on stage with a bigger smile than maggie

"Hi" she breathes out not noticing she was holding her breath

"Hi" I smile

"I like you," She says quickly then kinda cowards back like a hurt puppy scared i was gonna reject her but I smile so hard my face hurts

"I like you, homo bro," I said seeing Billie relax a lot and she chuckles making everyone else laugh

"Yeah no homo dude" She smiles placing her hand on my waist pulling closer rubbing our noses together in a little Eskimo kiss making everyone aw she starts pulling way but I cup her face in my hands pulling her into a kiss that she returns causing the crowd to scream wildly with aw's and yeah's and some boo's from mad bitches we pull away she she looks at me with a big smile

"Wow" Is all she said making everyone laugh she turns back to the crowd with the most bewildered look

"Oh fuck I totally forgot y'all were here," she says laughing hard making people chuckle

"Oh yeah this is my official coming out for my unknown sexuality have fun making theorys that will all be wrong," she says in a baby voice before pulling me up on stage seeing finneas get up smiling at us

"That was the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life"

We all laugh

I see Maggie and Patrick walk onto stage giving me a hug congratulating us as if we just got engaged

Billie kisses my nose before letting me go backstage so she can finish the concert

Soon goodbye starts playing and I see Billie jog over to me capturing my lips into a kiss

"I really like you" she smiles


I listen to a thousand years while writing this and OMG emo

I want this for me wth


please haha

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 (BILLIE EILISH)  (✔)Where stories live. Discover now