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warnings: choking kink ;), really fucking hot for no reason istg i was in a mood ig

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warnings: choking kink ;), really fucking hot for no reason istg i was in a mood ig

plot: Billie is into you but she's too busy pretending she isn't girls so you make her jealous ;)

(inspired by shameless by Camila Cabello listen to the song while reading its hot as fuck tbh makes me feel like a bad bitch ahahndnsf )


I arrive at the MTV music award after-party, I feel really shameless right now so I might just get really fucked up and hopefully, my night ends with fucking some random celebrity in the bathroom

I walk in sitting down for a second scanning the room and I feel an arm wrap around my waist pulling me up from my seat I was about to hit a bitch but they whisper into my ear

"Hi mamas" I turn around seeing Billie smirk at me

"Billie," I say bluntly not really in the mood to be messed with

"You're not happy to see me, princess?" She asks raising a brow

"Not really you're a very flaky bi-curious girl that uses me for sex, so not really," I say crossing my arms

She huffs out rolling her eyes

"I already told you-" I cut her off

"That we're just sex you aren't into girls, yeah yeah, I'm gonna go dance bye," I say turning away walking to the dance floor scanning the room for a partner and my eyes land on the very pretty king princess whom I know, we're friends, I walk over to her

"Hey," I say smiling she looks up at me and smiles

"Well hello, what brings you over to little old me," She asks

"I need a favor," I say

"Which is?" she asks

I lean closer to her whispering into her ear

"This is top secret shit okay" I whisper

"Okay tell me" She whispers back

"Okay I got me a case of don't get attached to the bi-curious girl but did, I wanna see if I can make her jealous" I whisper making her smirk

"Girl I got you, let's bust a gay ass sexy move" she shouts out to the ceiling making me laugh

She grabs my hand pulling me to the dance floor I turn my head seeing Billie stare dead at me with an unreadable expression

Cliffs edge by Hayley Kiyoko starts playing we laugh at the convenience

I turn my back to Mikaela and she grabs my waist and we sway our hips to the music I look over to where Billie was standing seeing her face red with anger if steam could come out of her ears it would

I smirk leaning my body into Mikaela's leaning my head back a little whispering to her

"Dude she's fuming oh my god" I whisper making Mikaela laugh

"You're evil you know that" She whispers back to me

I smirk nodding making her playfully roll her eyes

Mikaela starts running her hands up my sides

Billie had enough she stomps over to us full of anger

"Y/n can I talk to you?" Billie says through gritted teeth

"Why I was having so much fun," I smirk and she grabs my wrist pulling me away from Mikaela

Dragging me away I look back at Mikaela winking making her laugh she pulls me into a bathroom

"Anyone whos in here get the FUCK out," she says

I watch Halsey stumble out of the stall quickly looking at us with wide-eyes

"Billie?, Y/n? what-" Halsey starts but Billie cuts her off

"Hi, now get out please," she says as nice as she could, but since she was pissed it didn't come out that way Halsey rolled her eyes walking out I mouth an I'm sorry and that Billie was mad before she left once the door was closed Billie locked it, I was getting nervous because she turned back with the evilest look ever

Am I about to die?

"Why would you do that?" She asks walking closer to me I was backing up but the back of my legs hit the counter I'm trapped

"Do what?" I say playing dumb

Billie was fuming

She grabbed my neck choking me just enough so that I wasn't dying but it was still hard to breathe

"Don't play dumb, why were you dancing with her you let her touch all over you," She says looking me dead in the eye our faces almost centimeters apart

"We're not dating it's just sex remember" I struggle to get out because Billie is choking me she loosens her grip but her hand is still around my neck

"What if I want more now?" She says

"Oh, really why's that?" I ask raising a brow in a sarcastic tone

"It's been a secret for the longest time, i've been running from it for the longest time, I need you more than I want to" she mumbles slightly leaning closer to me our lips brushing but not completely touching

"In my dreams, I do anything I want to you, so let me do that now," She says choking me a little harder crashing our lips together in a breathless kiss the kiss was heated and messy as our tounges fight for dominance oir hand running all over each other

Billie pulls away biting my lower lip

She raises her hand up to my bottom lip and she swipes her thumb across it



Yall better change your underwear cuz that's all you get BYE

this is hot as fuck and i'd like to say king princess let me freak you ;))))))

nah but fr should i make a kp imagines book?

ᴵ'ᴹ ᴬᴺᴺᴼᵞᴵᴺᴳ ᴮᵞᴱ

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