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Warnings: kissing, getting caught, light NSFW

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Warnings: kissing, getting caught, light NSFW

Plot: You and Billie are best friends but things get weird when you catch her making out with some boy but oh boy does it get worse


Billie invited you over to hang out so you drove over to her house blasting music because traffic was bad and you were like 20 minutes late but what can you do la traffic is shit

You knock on the door seeing maggie answer the door

"Hi, y/n billies upstairs with a friend you could just go on up," maggie said shutting the door behind you as you walked in you nodded and said thank you heading up to billies room

You open the door and to your horror, Billie was straddling some guy practically eating each other faces something about the whole thing twisted your stomach

"EW WHAT THE FUCK" I whisper yell getting the attention of the two as the quickly scramble to get off each other

"Y/n i-" Billie started but I cut her off

"Broooo you invited me over and I catch you sucking face with some guy I deadass thought this would be a hangout, not a porno I'm disgusted my gay ass is OUT" I said throwing my hands up in the air turning the opposite way to exit the room making gagging noises because I'm petty and scarred for life

"Y/n wait please!" Billie squeaked jump up off her bed shutting the door behind her grabbing your arm to twist you around to face her

"NAH nope noooo I don't wanna hear it I'm literally scarred for life," I said hiding my face with my hands trying to block out billies messy appearance 

"Look at me dude," Billie said sternly

"No I'm good," I said quickly but Billie wasn't giving up and pulled my hands away from my face making me roll my eyes hard which kinda hurt not gonna lie

"I sorry," Billie said in her iconic baby voice which made you frown your brows 

"You invited me over to hang out and now I must disinfect my brain, you know what ima throw the whole thing away," I said scrunching up my nose in disgust as a flash of what I saw played in my mind

"I don't understand why you're so mad bro" Billie crosses her arms and you roll your eyes

You let out a loud sigh

"One day you'll walk in on me fingering some random chick and then you'll know exactly how I feel, bye billie," You said with venom laced in your voice walking downstairs and to your car driving away

to be honest you have no idea why you were so mad about the whole thing you just were you ignored all the calls and text from Billie



I haven't talked to Y/n in almost a week and it really sucks I really don't understand why shes so mad at me she just keeps ignoring my text and calls so I decided to go to her house and talk

I knock and her mom answers we say hi and tells me y/n's in her room watching tv

I open the door to see her with her hand down some chicks pants and I scream

"OH GOD I'M SORRY" I shudder, closing the door

Something about that makes me feel really fucking jealous maybe this is what Y/n was talking about a week ago

I kinda wish I was that girl, I quickly shake that thought from my head when y/n open the door walking out I watch the girl from before climbing out the window with tears in her eyes I look to Y/n seeing her face red from embarrassment

"You know when I said if you caught me fingering some girl you know how I feel was totally a figure of speech I did not expect this to actually happen," she said looking down at the floor

"To be honest it did take that to happen for me to understand why you were so mad before.." I said

"Huh?" Y/n frowned her brows in confusion

"Do you like me?" I said whispering I watch Y/n's eyes widen and her face go redder than before

"w-what no not at all bill-" She said but I cut her off

"It's okay if you do... kinda took me a while to realize I like you too," I said looking somewhere else that isn't Y/n

"Wait for real, oh thank fuck I thought I was gonna forever be sad because my best friend was never gonna fall for me," Y/n said chuckling

"Billie look at me," Y/n said and I refused because I hate shit like this it's so awkward

Y/n grabbed my face turning it toward her leaning in a could feel her breath on my lips she soon closed the gap between our lips kissing me, honestly a whole lot of shit was going through my head at once but it was all silenced when she bit my lip pulling away making be a blushing mess

"Wanna watch a movie?" Y/n said raising a brow





btw jay if you're reading this i love bold and baby sm i was never into billie books until i found yours i blame you for my addiction

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