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warnings: fluff and sex mention, kink mention

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warnings: fluff and sex mention, kink mention

plot: you help billie dye her hair


"Y/n I'm back" I hear Billie say

I walk downstairs seeing a sally's bag in her hand

"What's that?" I ask pointing at the bag 

"Hair dye" She smiles

"What color?" I ask

"Purple" She replies

"Well what are we waiting for let's go dye your hair"


I pour the developer into a small bowl I squeeze in the dye which is white because it's a professional one I mix it together as Billie puts a towel around her shoulders brushing out her silver hair

I watch Billie pull my desk chair into the bathroom and she sits down the color in the bowl develops into a very dark blue-purple, I put gloves on my hands parting billies hair painting it with the dye


I finally finish putting the dye in

And while we wait me and billie dance around the house listening to music

and the timer I set went off

"Let's go barney" I say making billie roll her eyes

I turn on the showerhead and billie bends down letting the water run through her hair and I watch the water turn blue and my eyes widen as her hair starts appearing bluer

"Shit" I mumble

"What did my hair fall out!?" Billie asks worriedly

"No, but your hair isn't purple," I say

"What?" She questions

I turn off the shower head grabbing the towel of the chair drying billies hair

"Look for yourself," I say

Billie walks over to the mirror and gasp

"Fuck I bought the wrong color, I hate blue oh my god my hair is ruined" Billie groans

"It looks good Billie, blue suits you mama," I say walking over to her wrapping my arms around her waist from behind and she relaxes a little

"I don't hate it that much, but god I hate blue" Billie huffs out

"Now I can call you smurf" I laugh and Billie rolls her eyes wiggling out of my grasp turning to face me crossing her arms

"Don't you dare I swear to god I'll never touch you again" She challenges

"I'm okay with that but the real question is are you?" I raise my brow smirking

"You'd be surprised," She said still keeping her little protest up

"Oh so you could live without choking me especially with you rings because they're cold and it makes me-" I start but Billie cuts me off with a kiss

"Okay I get it" She mumbles into the kiss pulling away with a pout

"I love you," I say smiling

and Billie walks out the bathroom

"come back here bitch" I yell walking out the bathroom watching Billie run down the hall and I chase after her catching her from behind lifting her up and putting her down and I plop down onto the couch pulling Billie on top of me peppering kisses all over her face tickling her sides

"S-stop" She laughs

"Say you love me," I say

"I-I lo-love y-you," She says between laughs and I stop tickling her

"I love you too, smurf" I smirk 

Billie rolls her eyes

"I take it back"


dis made me uwu, I had a dream like this but we were dying billies hair green and black like it is now

okay bye

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 (BILLIE EILISH)  (✔)Where stories live. Discover now