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these late chapters are for 

these late chapters are for 

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warnings: fluffy af

plot: billie on snl


You walk into the SNL studio looking for your girlfriend just to see her in a spinning box making you laugh watching her fall on her ass, she looks up meeting your eyes scrunching up her nose playfully rolling her eyes at you to let you know she heard you laughing at her

She was helped out of the spinning room and she makes her way over to you scooping you up in a tight hug swaying your body with hers before she let go

"I'm nervous but also very excited because I've dreamed of this," Billie says with a bright smile shes genuinely happy in this moment and that made your heart flutter

"I'm happy you're happy baby," I say kissing her forehead pulling her into a long hug and she tucks her head into the crook of my neck inhaling the perfume you're wearing that's her favorite

You pull away and grab her face softly, pulling her face closer to her giving her a soft kiss

"I'm proud of you," I say pulling away from the kiss tucking some of her behind her ear

"Stop making me all soft and shit" Billie mumbles looking down to hide the blush the crept up on her cheeks making you chuckle softly

"You're adorable," I say and Billie huffs turning away and walking away hastily to hide her red face and rapid heartbeat


"We are on in one minute," The producer says

"Goodluck Billie you're gonna kill it, you too finneas," I say and finneas gives me a quick hug

"You look pretty bil," I say and Billie looks away

"Stop that I don't wanna be red and shit for this performance," Billie says looking back at you and you smile raising your hands in surrender

"Okay, okay I'll stop," I say chuckling and Billie playfully rolls her eyes

"We're on in 30," The producer says

"Okay good luck and have fun," I say giving Billie multiple pecks on her lips making her giggle

"Stop," Billie says dragging out o in stop smiling

"Okay one more" Giving her one final kiss and letting her go and she waves and goes to take her seat next to finneas adjusting her hair and I take a seat in the front row of the crowd waving back at Billie and she smiles 

"Ladies and gentlemen once again Billie Eilish"

It's not true
Tell me I've been lied to
Crying isn't like you

You smile watching Billie sing the song she wrote for you

What the hell did I do?
Never been the type to
Let someone see right through

Billie smiles at finneas and it makes your heart sore, they're so happy

Maybe won't you take it back
Say you were tryna make me laugh
And nothing has to change today

Billie sings looking at you in the eyes

You didn't mean to say "I love you"
I love you and I don't want to

She sings point dead at you smiling


Soon the performance is over and you walk over to Billie and finneas

"Oh my god you guys did so good" You gush and Billie and finneas smile at your rambling

"Thank you, baby," Billie says to you pulling you into a hug and kissing you

"Gross get a room," Finneas says making you laugh

"Only if you and Claudia get one first," I say back

"Fair point," Finneas says before walking away

"I'm in love with a pop star," I say and Billie laughs

"I'm in love with a nerd," Billie says back and you pout

"I take it back, I'm in love with a meany," I say pouting and Billie kisses me repeatedly like you did early

"I sorry," Billie says in her baby voice

"I forgive you," I say

"Iloveyousomuchmyhearthurts" Billie says quickly 

"I love you too loser"




𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 (BILLIE EILISH)  (✔)Where stories live. Discover now