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warnings: fluff

plot: Billie talks about you in an interview


"And we're back with global popstar Billie eilish" 

"Hello," Billie says smiling and waving at the camera 

"So Billie big things are happening with your career but before we dive into that your song I love you was written about someone special care to reveal who was it about," The interviewer asked with raised eyebrows in curiosity 

Billie chuckles

"It's about this person who I am so in love with so much it's scary, like everything about them makes me happy and just UHG I don't know I really can't explain how they make me feel oh my god" Billie says bringing her knees to her chest ducking her head down a little behind them to mask how red her face got making the interviewer chuckle

"Is miss Billie Eilish blushing, oh you're whipped whipped huh"

"Dude shut up," Billie said playfully rolling her eyes making the interviewer laugh

"Are we ever gonna meet this mysterious person?"

"Yeah they're actually getting me a water bottle, hold up," Billie said grabbing her phone texting someone and a few seconds later the door to the room where the interview was held the door opened softly and you peered your head inside the room seeing everyone look at you in shock making you feel nervous

was there something on you?

You shake off the overwhelming anxious feeling and walk over to hand Billie her water watching her adjust herself in her chair reaching out for the bottle you were about to turn away but Billie had other plans and grabbed your wrist pulling you onto her lap making your eyes go wide

"Billie!?!" You look at her like she'd grown two heads making her laugh

"Hi my love" Billie said

"Hi?" You say looking at her confused knowing you haven't been public with your relationship since you started dating when you were both 16

"So this is your girlfriend?" The interviewer asked and Billie nodded

"Wow, how long have you two been dating?"

"Two almost 3 years, today is actually her birthday so I'm gonna sing her happy birthday," Billie says and you feel a smile creep up on your face

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear y/n happy birthday to you" Billie sings and once she finishes she kisses your cheek making your face feel hot at the public affection 

"You guys are adorable," The interviewer said making you and Billie smile



I'm sleepy omg

ily bye

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 (BILLIE EILISH)  (✔)Where stories live. Discover now