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Plot: making breakfast for billie


You finish making vegan gluten-free waffles for Billie and yourself to eat you quietly walking back into your shared bedroom seeing Billie sleeping peacefully I crawl onto the bed straddling Billie's sleeping figure peppering soft kisses all over her face and giving her a small kiss which she returned within seconds I look into her sleepy blue eyes and smile she gives me a soft sleepy smile making my heart melt at the sight 

"Hi princess" I mumble onto billies lips pulling away slightly seeing a slight blush on her face making my heart sore

"Hi mama, what smells so good?" She asks

"I made vegan pumpkin and banana waffles" I smile

(try it if you aren't allergic to anything in it make it with rice flour if you don't like wheat it's so GOOD omg)

"That sounds good" She smiles back at me brushing some of my hair behind my ear and i lean down to kiss her and she kisses me hungrily 

someones horny lmao

I trail my kisses to her jawline slowly unbuttoning her sleep shirt kissing her chest leaving soft hickeys on her fair skin

I trail my kisses lower to her stomach kissing the cold metal of her belly ring lowering my kisses lower and lower feeling her breathing quicken

I kiss her inner thigh leaving hickeys and she whines and I sit up making her open her eyes looking at me confused 

"What?" She asks

"We can do this after we eat"

"But why can't we just skip that and you can eat me instead" Billie pouts making me chuckle

"I'll enjoy tasting you later, for now, let's go eat," I say getting up and walking out the door and I hear Billie groan loudly and I hear light footsteps behind me

"After this, we're going back to the bedroom," Billie says draping her arms over my shoulder

"Why not the shower?" I ask

"I like your mind," She says nibbling my ear and pulling away sitting at the table opening her arms for me to sit on her lap which I happily do and Billie grabs the syrup pouring it over her waffles

She cuts a piece and put it in her mouth cutting another piece lifting th fork to my mouth which I take chewing my waffle with a hum

"Baby this is so good oh my god" Billie praises kissing my shoulder making me smile

"I'm glad you like it, princess," I say making Billie blush

shes a bottom period


I hold Billie in my arms petting her hair kissing her forehead 

she loves being babied 

I lift her chin with my finger making her look at me giving her a light kiss on her nose

"I love you," I say softly

"I love you too" She smiles leaning in kissing me

the morning was filled with cuddles and making out cuz billie was horny af for no reason at all 



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idk why this was gonna be fluffy but then the top in me was like NO so i listened to her oops

should i make more things like this orrrrrrrr


ᵀᴴᴬᴺᴷ ᵞᴼᵁ ᶠᴼᴿ 1.1ᴷ ᴮᴬᴮᵞˢ

what's my name from descendants two came on and i miss cameron 

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 (BILLIE EILISH)  (✔)Where stories live. Discover now