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Warning: angsty as fuck i literally started cry so uh yeah

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Warning: angsty as fuck i literally started cry so uh yeah

plot: billie come to pick-up her stuff after your very painful breakup


I storm into the apartment tears threating to slip out at any moment

"Y/n please listen to me!" Billie shouts slamming the door behind us I whip around to look at Billie dead in the eye

"No, I don't wanna hear it you fucking cheated on me in front of my fucking eyes!" I yell so loudly my voice feels raw and cracks at the last word

"What the fuck are you talking about I didn't do anything!" Billie yells back red in the face with anger

"Oh, so you weren't letting Brandon touch all over you whispering sweet nothings into your ear while you giggled like a fucking school girl?!?" I yell looking at Billie with disbelief 

"We're just friends you're being dramatic!" She yelled moving closer to me making me back up as she was moving forward not wanting to be near her she stops looking at me with such hurt in her eyes

"WE'RE just friends bullshit he's your ex grabbing on you like you didn't break up, he touched YOUR body the way I'm supposed to, how the fuck am I suppose to feel Billie?!" I yell getting in her face, we were standing chest to chest with such hate in our eyes

it hurt

"I didn't fuck him y/n you're mental" she yells pointing at her head when she yelled mental

I tried so hard not to cry but I did

I slowly back away "I'm mental," I said quietly

"Yes oh my fucking god!" Billie seeths with anger tears running down her face

"Get out," I say firmly 

"No please," Billie says looking at me with such hurt

"I said get the fuck OUT!" I yell pushing her shoulders

"I hate you"


"Get out"


"You used me"


"You cheated on me"


With one final push, Billie was up against the front door

"I loved you," I said my voice cracking

Billie was sobbing hard and so was I both of our hearts breaking

"L-loved" She stutters out between her sobs her bottom lip quivering

"Loved" I manage to get out before sobbing harder

"Please I love you don't do this please" Billie begged but I grab the front door handle moving her from in front of the door opening it up wide and I point out the door

"Get the fuck out" I sob out

Billie's eyes were bloodshot sobbing she dragged her heavy feet to the door looking back at you one last time

I slam the door in her face sliding down the door sobbing feeling like all the air was robbed from my lungs, they burned trying to gasp for air between my heartbreaking sobs


2 weeks later

Our apartment felt cold

It didn't feel warm with happiness

everything about it felt broken

Billie is coming to get her stuff today

I didn't want to see her

I hear light knocks on the door and I freeze

I get up from the couch opening the door for the blue-eyed girl I loved more than anything

She had boxes inside boxes

"Hi," Her voice cracked as tears started to form on her waterline

"Hi," I say quietly looking away moving out of the way so she can walk in, she immediately walks to our once shared room grabbing her rings, that you loved, the cold metal clashing with your warm skin making you shiver was now gone...

I sit back down on the couch thinking about all the chains Billie had, I loved the sound of them clashing whenever she moved

Billie walked out of the room with a large box in her hands

Our eyes meet and all the pain flows back making a tear slip from billies eye but she quickly turns around placing the box on the floor wiping away the stray tear before picking up the box again looking at me again

"I love you..." Billie says walking out the door I get up shutting the door behind her gently

"You didn't mean to say I love you..."



Listen to out of love by Alessia cara

and I love you by Billie and you will be a Wreak

sorry no happy ending oops


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