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Warnings: fluff

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Warnings: fluff

plot: continuation of the family chapters, Billie goes into labor, per request


"Y/n wake the fuck uppp" Billie groans in pain which makes you wake up immediately

"What's wrong?" You yawn reaching over to the lamp and turning it on

"My back really fucking hurts like i'm being punched make it stop" Billie groans

"How long has this been happening baby" I ask

"Like 10 minutes, i've been trying to wake your ass up but you sleep like a fucking rock"

"What!??, oh my god get up" I say

"What?" Billie says and groans

"Billie you're probably 100% having contractions love" I say and billies eyes go wide

"I think i just pissed myself again" Billie mumbles then let's out a groan

"Billie come on let's get dressed and go to the hospital, said okay" I say and get up to help billie out of bed and to the bathroom to get her cleaned up

"Bils, what shirt do you want to wear?" I ask looking through the closet

"The graffiti green one," Billie says

"Okay" I say tossing billie the green shirt

"I'm ready" Billie says


"Are you comfortable miss" The nurse ask

"Yeah i'm fine now thanks" Billie mumbles

The nurse nods and leave me and billie in the room

"You ready to be a mom" I tease

"I swear to god if anything tears i'll be so angry" Billie groans making you laugh

"I'm sure you'll be fine" I say

"Yeah right" Billie mumbles

"Miss o'connell i'm going to check and see how far along you are" The doctor says and billie nods

"Alright you're ready to have these baby's" The doctor says and billie exhales deeply

"okay." Billie says grabbing your hand pulling you closer

"I'm nervous" Billie says

"I know but you'll do great I believe in you babe" I say kissing her forehead

"Okay last push for baby b, good, good and there" the doctor says as the sound of crying erupted into the room
The baby was quickly placed on billies chest as you were holding the first baby crying and billie smiled at you with tears in her eyes

The video you and billie were watching finally finish and you both were a crying mess as your teen daughters smile at you both

They were moving out together and you and billie wanted to show them the video of the day they were born

"Now behave yourself we don't need scandal around you both" Billie says

"Yeah yeah, we get were going now we'll be back for dinner" Ophelia says

"Bye bye" anastasia says

"bye" me and billie say walking back to the couch cuddling up to each other

"Wanna watch the video again" I ask and her nods


𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 (BILLIE EILISH)  (✔)Where stories live. Discover now