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Warnings: sex talk, light smut :)

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Warnings: sex talk, light smut :)

Plot: Billie is worried your first time together isn't going to be good because it's her first relationship with a girl


Billie called you over to her house the call was short in vague somewhere between the lines of 'come over I have a surprise for you' then she hung up

I knock on the door and the door swings open quickly revealing a smirking Billie before you could say anything she pulls you inside slamming the door and pushing you against it

"Billie-" I try to say but she cut me off

"No one's home" she smirked her once soft blue eyes are now a very deep blue

Then it hit you

This bitch tryna fuck

"Billie are you sure-" I say but I was cut off by Billie lips crashing into mine her hands sliding up the back of my shirt 

"Whoa slow down tiger, let's take this in your room," I say breathlessly 

She nods and pulls me upstairs

She's very eager huh?

We get to her room and she shuts the door locking it and she pushes me down on the bed straddling me kissing my neck

We make out of a little while and Billie plays with my waistband but pulls away quickly sitting up with sad eyes

"What's wrong?" I ask sitting myself up on my elbows

"What if I'm not good, you've been with loads of girls that been with other girls and they WAY more experience then me, I just want to make you feel good but I don't know if I can," Billie said looking away from me as light tears brimmed at her water line 

I sit up full turning Billie face toward me gently with my finger

"Billie don't worry I'll guide you i'll tell you if I don't like it or if I do, okay?" I say raising my brow and she nods

"I ruined the mood god I'm a loser," Billie said throwing her head back with a groan

"No, you didn't," I say straddling her giving her a kiss which she returned and smiled into the kiss

"I'm going first," Billie said trying to dominate but I win in the end

I pin both of her hands down above her head leaning down whispering in her ear making her shiver slightly 

"Not tonight princess," I say kissing her neck



I have a princess kink call me princess and i'm your whore no cap dude

lmao i'm such a switch

the guy that sexually abused me in our relationship dmed me today saying he missed me please pray for me because i'm about to murder him

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 (BILLIE EILISH)  (✔)Where stories live. Discover now