Sealing the Deal - Simdil666

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Geeeez! This is one long oneshot xD so yeah

Besides that, this is based on a small idea that someone gave him and I changed it a bit so yeah

Also I didn't have a better title so yeah

Warning: Smut



(Eight Years Old)

'Ugh the party was so boring' Simon thought as he managed to sneak away from the formal party that his parents had arranged as well as removing the outer suit that he was forced to wear. He wasn't too worried of being found out that he slipped away since his parents would be too busy talking to other people at the party and he had told the maids of where he was heading to.

He was also glad that there was still day light because as he stepped into the meadows that was located a bit away from his home though as he stepped in and looked around, he quickly saw something by the edge of the lake. Curious, Simon made his way towards the figure and crouch down to get a closer look and finally realized that it was a boy around his age.

"Wow..." he breathed out as he noticed two bumps on the boy's head before seeing something move against his back and reached down only for him to feel a slight leathery feeling. But as he touched it, the boy suddenly let out a twitch causing Simon to pull his arm back with a startled yelp before feeling himself pinned down and a second later, felt pressure on his lips.

He barely let out a muffled squeak before starting to feel tired causing him to let out a muffled groan. But before he fully passed out, the pressure quickly disappeared causing him to let out a loud gasp and quickly sat up to see the boy was awake and was a bit shocked by the other's eyes, being ruby red surrounded by black along with red marks going from the corner of his eyes down to the corner of his jawline.

Blinking a bit, Simon reached out to trace the markings while the boy was staring at him, not moving and letting him. "Pretty" Simon simply stated with a smile as he felt the texture on the markings and as he kept rubbing the markings, he soon heard a low purring sound coming from the other boy and started to giggle. "Hehe" he laughs a bit with a small grin before stopping and pulled away. The boy let out a low whine at the loss before paying attention to Simon whom stared back.

"I'm Simon and you are?" Simon suddenly said as he held out his hand towards the other boy whom instantly looked down at his hand for a few seconds before slowly reaching up and gripping his hand. "I-I'm Bodil a-and I'm sorry about before" Bodil introduced himself which Simon looked confused for a moment before quickly realizing what Bodil was talking about and covered his mouth.

"Mm? You just made me tired" Simon told him, still slightly confused which Bodil shook his head. "I-I kinda took some o-of your life source so I could heal" he explained. "Mm?" Simon looked over him before noticing something on his chest and reached out, "So you were hurt when I found you?" Simon asked as Bodil looked down before lifting his shirt to reveal a large cut on his chest, which was closed and still healing. "Y-Yeah, but I only took enough to close the wound" Bodil explained while lowering his shirt.

"Does it still hurt?" Simon asked him with a small frown which Bodil shrugs a bit, "A bit, but I can handle it" he told the other whom frown more before pulling the demon close. "You can take a bit more" Simon told him with a smile surprising Bodil for a moment before shyly smiling back before pressing his lips against Simon's.

Luckily, Simon didn't feel tired after Bodil finished since the demon only took enough for the pain to fully fade before both boys spent the rest of their day chatting which both of them became best friends.

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