Magical Pleasure - Seto/Jason

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Ugh! I finally finished this oneshot so yeah

First off this is a request

Secondly, I might have went overboard with the description here and there so yeah and also Top!Seto here (Ah yeh xD) and idk if there's a ship name for this but yeah


Warning; Smut, Tentacles smut and some kinks (I have no idea how many I added but yeah)



"So how did this even happened?" Jason asked as he was poking the extra appendage, making it twitch a bit.

"I was trying to look up on battle magic but I might have messed something up" Seto explained with a small sigh, feeling the other poking him again.

Earlier Seto had started to search for a way to use magic for combat and he managed to find two books for combat magic. Halfway through the first book, he decided to try out a spell that might have been useful.......but something else happened which caused him to gain some extra appendages.

Seto slightly scrunch his nose when he felt another poke, making one of the tentacles twitch before turning to Jason, "Having fun?" he asked with his eyebrow raised.

Currently Seto have four long tentacles coming out from his upper back, was colored purple and looking slightly transparent but feels solid with a smooth texture.

Jason's face turned rosy red before pulling his hand away and looked away, "M-Maybe" he mutters out which made Seto chuckle a bit before looking at one of the limp tentacles and started to focus on moving at least one of them. Luckily it didn't take much concentration as one of them easily moved upwards, unfortunately it had landed a hit which caused a breathy moan to be heard causing both men to tense up before staring at each other. Seto looked shocked and surprise while Jason looked surprised and embarrassed as his red face became even more red before stuttering out a reason for his noise before giving up and looked away, still blushing. Although as he was looking away, he didn't notice a teasing smirk appear on Seto's face nor see him move close until Jason let out a startled yelp when he felt arms wrapped wrapped around his waist.

"S-Seto!" Jason nervously exclaimed as his cheeks heats up even more while unconsciously tilted his head to the right when he felt warm breath brush against his neck, making him shiver a bit. "Shh~" the sorcerer softly shushed before placing light kisses along Jason's neck, causing him to let out another breathy moan which caused something to twitch inside Seto. Suddenly Jason arched his back when he felt something smooth and cool slip under his sweater causing him to look down only to see two tentacles, feeling them moving up to his chest and started fondling his nipple which caused him to let out a louder moan.

Seto kept teasing the other by leaving wet trails along the neck and lightly blowing cool air against it while lightly running his nails along the sides, above the pant line which slowly turned Jason into a moaning mess just from a few teasing gestures. Soon enough Seto moved the remaining two tentacles and slowly slipped them down Jason's pants and boxers, wrapping one around the base of Jason's half hard member and moving the tip of the second one against his entrance in a teasing manner, easily making him moan loudly. "S-Seto" Jason whine out as he started wiggling his hips, hoping for something more than teasing only to stop and let out a breathy gasp when Seto suddenly slapped his hip, " patient~" Seto coos out before suckling on the spot below Jason's earlobe, making him whine out before suddenly chocking out a moan when the tentacle slowly started to push into him, leaving a nice burning pain which lasted for a few seconds.

"Ohhh~" Jason breathed out as his mouth formed a perfect O while slowly clenching around the tentacle, causing it to be pushed in deep bringing more pleasurable sensation and started swaying his hips back and forth, using the tentacle to pleasure himself. Seto enjoyed the sight before him for a few minutes before deciding that it was enough teasing and soon pulled all four tentacles away, causing Jason to whine at the loss. Once Seto had removed Jason's clothes and only removed his pants, the sorcerer then moved the other onto his hands and knees, slightly hovering over him.

Jason soon felt two tentacles wrap themselves around his thighs in a firm grip which caused him to whimper in pleasure, wanting more of the firm friction but his whimper was cut off when he felt another tentacle around his neck which was loose enough to breath but tight enough to feel it whenever he swallows. "S-Seto" Jason nearly whine out as he started to squirm only to let out a startled gasp when Seto sharply slapped his hip, "Be patient" he simply repeated as he soon ran his hand up Jason's sides and towards his chest, causing goosebumps to appear. Jason let out a moan as his nipple harden from the light touches while gripping the sheets below him. It was a bit unfair since Seto knew all of Jason's sweet spots so it didn't take long for the ball of heat in his stomach to tighten more but before he could cum, Jason felt something cover the tip causing him to look down as best as he could to see the last tentacle wrapped around the base of his hard member and the end covering the tip.

"C-Come on!" Jason groan out in frustration, feeling his climax dying down leaving him desperate and started to squirm but quickly stopped when Seto smacked him again, harder this time. He suddenly let out a breathy moan when the tentacle around his neck tighten a bit before suddenly chocking out a moan when Seto started pushing into the brunet. "A-Ahh!" Jason brokenly moan out at both the pleasurable burn from the intrusion and the painful burn from orgasm denial, leaving him breathless.

A teasing smirk suddenly appeared on the sorcerer's face as he firmly gripped onto Jason's hips once he was fully inside, taking a few seconds to enjoy the warm tight feeling surrounding him, before slowly pulling out which caused the other whine out while quickly tightening around Seto as a way to stop him, making him groan a bit but finally stopped moving with only the tip inside. The tentacles around his thighs tightens a bit more as a way to keep him from squirming too much as the tentacle around his harden member started moving up and down in a stroking manner, still having the tip covered and lastly the tentacle around his neck suddenly pushed the tip into his mouth making him gag from the sudden action before starting to suck on it while letting out muffled moans. As Jason was distracted, Seto took that moment to lean down and roughly bit down on the back of his neck, below the tentacle and forcefully thrust in hard instantly hitting his prostate on the first try which caused Jason to let out a muffled gasp while falling onto his forearms, "MMM!" Jason moan out, feeling the intense pleasure shooting throughout his body as Seto was keeping a rhyme of sleep but deep thrusts, hitting the prostate every time and the sorcerer made sure to leave bright red bite marks along Jason's shoulders and back as well as thin scratch marks on his hips.Unfortunately it didn't take long for Jason to reach his climax once more causing his body to tense up, clenching tightly around Seto while letting out a loud muffled moan. The sorcerer quickly knew that Jason had a dry orgasm mostly due to him still having the tip covered and quickly reach down, gripping on Jason's forearms and slightly quicken his pace forcing the other to painfully reach towards his second release.

"MMMM!" Jason whimpers a bit, trying to protest but instead gagged a bit when the tentacle in his mouth pushed in a bit deeper and his body started to tremble from the painful pleasure shooting throughout his body. Letting out a low groan, Seto moved one hand up and lightly ran his nails along Jason's chest and sometimes pinching his nipples, making him whine out in pleasure and nearly tearing the sheets as he was nearly the edge. suddenly letting out a loud growl, Seto did one last hard thrust instantly cumming inside while uncovering the tip at the same time which caused Jason to instantly see stars when he came for the second time.

It got intense enough for Jason to instantly pass out.

(Hours Later)

Letting out a low groan, Jason slowly woke up while smacking his lips together, feeling his mouth a bit dry along with the soreness throughout his body. As he was stirring a bit, Jason finally noticed soothing fingers running through his hair followed by a comforting warmth next to him causing him to instantly move closer towards the warmth.

As he was falling back to sleep, he barely felt a gentle kiss on his forehead along with an 'I love you' whispered in his ear before finally passing out.


Again I suck at writing endings but yeah and also I'm going to keep the requests closed for a bit and you guys will know when they're open again

Comment down of what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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