Pandora POV
'Draco?' I asked sitting down next to him while he was sleeping.
He groaned and sat up 'what where's the fire?' he asked
I laughed 'there's no fire, I was just wondering if I could borrow your quills and parchment?'
He pointed over to his desk 'take 'em, who are you writing to at this time of night?' he asked glancing over at the clock which said 3:24
'Don't you worry' I replied and left after collecting the quill, ink and parchment which wassprawledacross his desk in a messy order.
The reason I was writing at this time is to get rid of Tonks from my side. She doesn't belong here, she keeps arguing with Barty which is annoying me and she has been threatening Greyback and Draco and Greyback are threatening her back. And I have had just about enough even if it was only the third day into the holidays. I had a major advantage as I have thewhereaboutsof Tonks because my wand somehow spells it out into the air, I have no idea how though.
I sat on my bed and began to write-
I am writing to you to help you, not to lower you into a trap. You wouldn't fall for that anyway but lets get straight to the point. I know the location of Nymphadora Tonks and I know that she does not belong on The Dark Lords side. I needyou to save her from what could be a sticky end. I know that writing this letter to you is putting me in grave danger but thesafetyand well being of Nymphadora is more important.
If you do want her whereabouts reply to this letter please.
Your spy (in a way).
Now was the hard part where I had to fly to Hogwarts and deliver this letter without getting found out but I had a plan, I was going to turn into a owl.
I opened my window then picked up the letter, I closed my eyes and thought of a brown and black feathered owl with deep green eyes.
I opened my eyes and saw that I was the owl Iimagined in my head. I jumped out the window and started flapping my wings. I had feeling this was going to take a while to get used to.
I flew onto a window ledge of a tower and began to tap a window showing Dumbledore's office with him in it. I watched him stand up and stare at me in a bewildered way.
He pulled the window open and took the letter from my beak.
He read it what looked like twice before saying 'in deed you are in danger... Miss Riddle'
I frowned at his through my eyes and tilted my head.
Play dumb my head told me.
I skwarked and flapped a wing.
'No fooling me Miss Riddle, I know it is you' he said flatly.
I groaned and transformed back into me. I felt stiff and cold.
'What gave it away?' I asked clicking my fingers.
'Your eyes' he answered as he started to pace.
'Damn' I muttered.
Sorry it's short, you guys deserve a longer one, but It's all I've got time for at the moment, I will try and upload very soon next time will be a bigger upload. I promise.
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Pandora Riddle - Voldemorts Daughter (Book 1)
FanfictionPandora Riddle is the daughter of Lord Voldemort and she hates Harry Potter as much as her father does. Thanks to her best friend Draco she is sent to Hogwarts on her last chance to not mess up like she has done at her previous school. Little does s...