11,811 reads!!! :O When I saw that I was like WHOAA! Thanks guys I love you all allot!
Here have a early Christmas present because I don't know If I will update before Christmas. Want to know what that Christmas present is... A NEW CHARACTER! :) ......
A smile slipped onto my face.
'Oh yes please' Luna said sounding delighted.
'No' I said shaking my head. Dumbledore looked a bit shocked. 'For the right reasons though'
'And the right reasons are?' Fred asked.
'You'll find out' I said with an innocent smirk making its way onto my face.
Dumbledore smiled and even let out a chuckle, because he could probably tell what I was going to do. 'Well whatever you choose to do let me know before-'
There was a loud crack from outside followed by a scream and a few green and red lights. I jumped up in fright.
'I thought I was safe' I whispered to Fred.
'You are' he commented clutching my hand.
There was a loud cry outside 'Avada Kadavara' I recognized the voice.
Luna and Dumbledore jumped up too as I rushed out of the door into the Garden to find the person I suspected it to be.
'Couldn't let me leave without putting a fight could you? ''Daddy'' ' I said in a bitter tone.
I pulled out my wand as he fired a killing curse at me, which I dodged. I growled through my teeth.
'Pandora no!' I heard Fred shout as I took a few steps closer to Voldemort.
'After you're dead, I'm going to kill you special little boyfriend and every filthy blood-traitor in the world'
'Oh really?' I asked bitterly.
He nodded evilly.
'Well you're going to have to do some waiting- crucio' I said as I flicked my wand pointing at him. I felt a tingling sensation rush down my arm and into my wand and a bright red spark hit Voldemort square in the chest.
He screamed out in pain and collapsed to the floor shaking in pain.
I laughed and crouched down below him and whispered 'Firstly he's not my boyfriend and secondly I don't ever want you to come near me again or I'll let everyone know about your secret. Deal?' I asked.
He stayed crying out in pain but not saying any words. I put more power into the curse 'I said is that a deal?' I shouted at him.
He nodded and yelled 'ok stop'
I laughed and put my wand away. He gasped and looked up at me while on all fours.
'Go. Now' I hissed at him.
He scowled at me and disappeared. I looked around at my surroundings and sighed in relief.
Fred and Dumbledore rushed over to me 'Pandora that was foolish-' Dumbledore began
'But bloody brilliant' Fred interrupted.
'A true Gryffindor you know?' Dumbledore said winking at me.
'Thanks but I'm not finished being the heir of Slytherin just yet' I said smirking.
Dumbledore diverted his eyes away from me and over my shoulder. I looked behind me to see what he was looking at and there was a girl my age lying on the floor. Her face was pale and badly bruised. She has tangled light brown hair. She was wearing tatty second hand looking robes and holding a wand in her left hand.

Pandora Riddle - Voldemorts Daughter (Book 1)
FanficPandora Riddle is the daughter of Lord Voldemort and she hates Harry Potter as much as her father does. Thanks to her best friend Draco she is sent to Hogwarts on her last chance to not mess up like she has done at her previous school. Little does s...