Prove It.

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Pandora POV

'Barty, this is your fault your entire fault!' I screamed in Barty's face. He didn't look as though he cared. 

'Good, she's a brat anyway' he said shrugging. 

My hair flared red along with my eyes. The death eaters surrounding us took a step back for their safety. 

'Calm it Pandora' my father's voice said as he stepped into view, 'Now explain to me what's going on'.

'Barty being a complete twat, that's what's happened' I said in a fiery tone.

'I said calm it child now-'

'I'm not a child' I screamed, pulling out my wand and holding the tip to Barty’s chest.

'May I suggest anger management?' Barty said in a slightly amused tone.

Instead of doing what I intended I brought my fist back and slammed it into Barty's nose. 

Barty stumbled backwards cupping his nose with both hands. Immediately blood started pouring out through his fingers.

'Pandora, tell me what the hell is going on' my father demanded.

'Safia's gone, you complete idiot' I yelled at him and ran for the front door, the death eaters made a clear path for me. 

I pulled it open quickly and slammed it shut with all my force. I sprinted down the drive, and out of the gate going left; the same way Safia did.

I aimlessly ran at a fast contestant pace for just over 50 minutes until I grew tiered. I stopped for a moment and wiped my weeping eyes. I carried on walking for what seemed like hours until I came to a stop.

Where am I even going?

Then I remember one important thing 'homenum revelio' I said, whipping my wand out. The cold rush of air against my cheeks during aparating made me shiver. 

How could I possibly forget a spell that helped me find anyone, especially if I had been writing it in O.W.L revision notes the whole of last year over and over again?

There she was in front of me, walking- well limping down the long country road.

'Saf'' I called.

She turned, wearing a blank expression. One that I used to use, I could tell she had no care or ambition left in her, not at this moment anyway.

Her eyes watered and her emotion showed, I pulled her into a hug. 

'I’ll be ok Saf, I promise' I reassured her. 

She shook her head on my shoulder 'I'm not going back, Pandora' she said.

I retracted from the hug and tilted my head slightly 'what do you mean? You have nowhere else to go, and you defiantly can't hide from everyone'

'I'm going back to Fred' she said plainly. 

I took a moment to think about her option 'I don't want to lose you, Saf. I promise I'll be a better sister, I'll do sister things with you, we can have fun days out. We can do anything, just stay with me, please' I begged her.

She grimaced 'what about Barty?' 

'Fuck him, he can go die' I answered. 

Safia watched me for a moment while her eyes glistened like a starry sky. Then she shook her head 'come with me instead Pandora, please'

I shook my head 'no, no. Safia I can't. I can't do this not again'. 

She took my hand 'please Pandora. For me. For Fred. Please' she begged.

'No, Safia. I love Draco-'

'Bull shit' she spat. 'You need Fred more than you need Draco, no actually you don't need Draco'.

I laughed hurtfully 'I don't need Fred, if I go back there I'll die and I cannot throw away what I've got. I've got a job, a boyfriend and power, you think I want to throw that away for you or even Fred?' 

'I think Draco is bad for you and you can't be Junior- whatever it's called, Dumbledore won't allow it' she said, smiling smugly. 

'Well Dumbledore doesn't control my life, no one does' I retorted.

'It seems like our father, Lord Voldemort does' she said.

'No he doesn't' I said, grinding my teeth while tensing my jaw.

'Sure' she said rolling her eyes and giving a disbelieving look.

'He doesn't Ok' I shouted at her.

'Prove it. Prove you can be good. Prove you can be who you should be not who you're expected to. Prove me you can survive without 'power'' she said.

It was a good offer but could I really do that all over again? I took a moment to consider it. 

 1 minute of quick thinking later and I had decided between Evil and Good. 


Sorry It's been a while I've had a lot on my mind sorry guys but hey it's an upload! :D


Pandora Riddle - Voldemorts Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now