I looked up at Dumbledore's clock which said 9'o'clock exactly.
'What I am curiouse about is why have you put yourself in so much danger just to protect Nymphadora' he said tilting his head to the side.
I felt the corner of my mouth twitch 'maybe I'm not the perfectly evil daughter he wants me to be, he may know I have the ability to love but he is learning that I can care too but only now am I showing I can care. He wants me to be a careless, evil, twisted, unloving, brat like he was when he was young but I'm not all them things' I paused and looked into Dumbledore's shining blue eyes 'He thinks of bad things as qualities but they're not and they never will be but in a way everyone has a bit of evil in them even if they don't show it.. it's waiting to burst out into the world'
He sighed 'Nymphadora is not evil in any way, she hasn't killed anyone that she has told you she has. She's been telling them to go into hiding, she's been visiting the order of thephoenixevery time she has a chance. She is safe, I hope you see that and do not tell anyone. If you did choose to tellVoldemortthen not only would Nymphadora be in danger but you would too'.
I had a gut instinct to go and get rid of Tonks but then if I was putting both of us at risk then I couldn't 'I can't tell him anyway, It would put all three of us in danger' I said pausing as I realised what I just said, I clamped my hand over my mouth and covered it up with a cough.
'No need to hide it from me, Pandora' I stared at him in confusion 'I know you are still pregnant, see Tonks told me'
'So she's a spy?' I asked through my teeth.
Dumbledore nodded.
I felt my hair turn red in rage and I clenched my fists to keep me from hexing something.
Draco POV
I sat up in my bed slowly remembering earlier that morning Pandora had woke me to borrow some ink and parchment. I stood up and slowly made my way to my door, pulled a top on and headed to Pandora's room.
I knocked on the door... no answer, I knocked again... still no answer. I slowly opened the door reveal a empty bed and a open window. A cold breeze stung my skin as I took a step inside.
'Pandora?' I whispered thinking she might be playing a trick on me.
I waited a moment and there was no sign of Pandora in the room. This is no longer one of her jokes.
'Pandora?' I called a little louder this time, maybe too loud as I could hear foot steps coming up the stairs. I turned quickly to see who it was but it was just Barty.
'What's wrong Draco?' he asked.
'Have you seen her- Pandora?' I asked.
He shook his head 'no I thought she was still asleep, I've been waiting to speak to her for hours. She's probably just gone for a walk' he said frowning at what he just said.
'Why would she go for a walk?' I asked with a confused look on my face.
'Clear her head, C'mon being pregnant and being the Dark Lords daughter can be a easy journey for her'.
'Hmm... maybe, but I've got a bad feeling in my gut. I just hope I'm wrong'.
'So do I... so do I' he commented.
'What is this bad feeling about?' A cold high voice asked from behind us sending a bitter chill down my spine and making me wince.
We both turned to face him, Barty bowed in The Dark Lords presence and I stayed still filled with fear. But he couldn't touch me, Pandora hadforbiddenhim to.
'My Lord, It's Pandora she's umm... not here' Bart answered.
'Where is she?' he asked aiming the question to me.
I swallowed a lump and said 'I don't know sir'
He laughed coldly 'Don't call me sir call me Dark Lord, there must be some clues to where she has gone in her room'.
Her room only had her belongings in their usual place.
'Not to be thinking of the negative my lord, but what is she has been kidnapped?' Barty asked.
The thought brought a tight twist into my stomach and then the atmosphere turnedscary.
Voldemort sighed and said 'then the war will begin earlier than I hadoriginallyplanned to'.
'What's wrong?' A voice came from behind Voldemort.
It was Tonks, I suddenly clenched my fist because yesterday I found her writing to Dumbledore. I haven't told Pandora yet but I'm planning on it.
'Pandora is missing' I answered coldly.
Her face went pale and she swallowed 'They couldn't have snatched her'
Voldemort shot a confused look at her 'do you know something we don't Tonks?' he said his eyes slowly turning from green to red.
I smiled gleefully because there was no getting out of this, she can't like to Voldemort. No one can.
Right I know I promised a long one but I didn't have the time to today.
I want to know whether you think Pandora she stay evil or go good????
And I'm going to add a new character and I need help so If you guys could comment what Idea's for a personality, looks, names and traits you have for a character that I could use? Please help :)
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Pandora Riddle - Voldemorts Daughter (Book 1)
FanfictionPandora Riddle is the daughter of Lord Voldemort and she hates Harry Potter as much as her father does. Thanks to her best friend Draco she is sent to Hogwarts on her last chance to not mess up like she has done at her previous school. Little does s...