Getting Ready For The First Day

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Author's Note: let's get this show on the road! Welcome to the second chapter of this book. So please enjoy.


Tony's POV

This is how I woke up too, not peacefully. I woke up to being beaten in the head with two pillows, attacking at the same time. I groaned.

"What the hell?!" I yelled, trying to sit up in bed. I heard giggles, as the pillows continued to attack me.

"Clint!" I yelled, in return, I got one of the pillows pressed into my face.

"Hmm," he hummed, as he was suffocating me.

"Stop!" I yelled, but it was mummed by the pillow. The second pillow stopped hitting me, but Clint didn't move.

"What's the magic word," Clint said," I rolled my eyes, from under the pillow.

"Fuck off, Clint," I said, before grabbing his wrist and threw him off me. Clint yelped and hit the floor next to my bed. I sat up with a smirk on my face and threw the pillow at him. It hit him square in the face, and he pouted at me.

"It's what you get, Clint," I said, he still pouted at me. I look over and Bruce was sitting next to me, with his pillow close to his chest. I smiled and grabbed it from his arms and threw it at Clint again. Hit him in the face again.

"Why!?" he yelled, grabbing the pillow and threw it at me. I dodged it and it hit Bruce this time. The pillow knocked his glasses off. I grasped, dramatically.

"Clint! You hit Bruce! What did he do to you!" I yelled, grabbing Bruce and hugging him. Bruce laughed.

"You moved, Tony!" Clint whined, rolling his eyes. I was still hugging Bruce and I grabbed his glasses, that Clint knocked off. I handed them to Bruce, and Bruce smiled at me.

"Thanks," he said, putting his glasses back on. I turned a playful glare at Clint.

"Why would you hurt our one and only sweet best friend!" I yelled, at Clint.

"I didn't mean to!" Clint yelled, standing up and jumping onto the bed and laid near Bruce, who I was still hugging.

"I'm sorry, Bruce," Clint said, looking at Bruce with his best puppy dog eyes. Bruce laughed.

"You're already forgiven, Clint," Bruce said, smiling. I let go of Bruce and we all laughed at our stupidity.

"Ok, ok, let's actually get ready," Clint said, I looked at him with confusion.

"Ready for what?" I asked. Bruce giggled a little.

"For school," Bruce said. I groaned.

"NOOOOO!" I yelled, falling onto my bed. Clint and Bruce both laughed at me.

"That's why we woke you up the way we did," Clint said.

"Well, maybe a shake would have been easier," I groaned. I laid back and closed my eyes, I just wanted to sleep again.

"Come on, Tony we're going to be late, and I don't want to be late the first day," Bruce said, shaking me. I moaned.

"NO," I whined, burying my head into the pillow I was laying on.

"Tony," Bruce whined this time. I look up at him.

"Please," he said, with a pout. I rolled my eyes, you can't say no to Bruce.

"Okay, fine," I said, rolling out of bed. We all took turns getting ready in my bathroom.

Clint used it first, then me, then Bruce.

When Clint came out he was wearing a plain black shirt and some black ripped jeans.

"I'm going to go get food," he said, before leaving my room. I stepped into the bathroom next. I undressed and put on my Metallica shirt and some plain black jeans. I combed my hair because I'm not kidding it's a mess. As I tamed my hair, I walked out of the bathroom and let Bruce in. I sat on my bed and waited for Bruce to get out.

A few minutes later, Bruce came out, with one of his dark purple, button-up, long sleeve shirts. he also had black jeans on like me.

"Let's go, get some food too," I said, and Bruce nodded. We walked downstairs and walked into my kitchen. Clint was already snacking on a granola bar and some coffee, sitting on the island. I grabbed some coffee too. Bruce just sat down on one of the stools. We all ate or drank in silence until we had to actually leave for school.

I picked up my key from the counter.

"Who's driving?" I asked, with my keys in my hands.

"I can't," Clint said. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I know you can't, Clint, because you're an idiot," I said, with a smirk. I turned to Bruce, who was sitting at the island.

"You up for it?" I asked Bruce. Bruce shook his head.

"Welp looks like I'm driving, Let's go," I said, we all walked out of my house and into my car. I turned on the engine and turned up the radio.

"You guys ready?" I asked, and they nodded. I started to play Hallway to Hell by AC/DC on the radio as we made our way to school.

I pulled into the junior parking lot and parked my car in my spot.

We all stepped out of my car and we walked to the front of the school. School ew, first day, ew. Then my eyes landed on Mr. Perfect, ew...


Author's Note: Tony doesn't like Steve that much does he ;)

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