An Abusive Prick

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Author's Notes; This chapter is going to be a little sadder than the others. Hint by the title. You might know that Bruce was sick, well...



Tony's POV

The day was over, thank God. I walked to my locker and shoved all the textbooks into my locker. I slammed it shut and walked towards the parking lot were Pietro's car was parked. I walked towards the car to see Clint and Pietro. They were hugging of course. I walked up to them. Pietro noticed me. I gave him a smile.

"Okay, let's go," Pietro said, pulling away from Clint. He kissed him on the forehead and he walked to the driver's seat. Clint sat in the back again and I sat in the passenger seat. The ride home was quiet, but it was a comforting quiet. We pulled into my driveway and got out of the car. I took my keys out of my pocket and unlocked my front door.

We all ran upstairs to my bed. We dropped our bags and sat on my bed. Clint decided he wanted to sit in Pietro's lap. We talked about how school was and that's when I decided to tell them with Bucky and Natasha did and what Steve did.

"So, um, guys you know how I have that group in my math class," I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Yeah, what did they do?" Clint asked, with a straight face.

"They threw a paper ball at me, and it read 'whore' on it," I said. Clint's face when dark.

"I'm going to kill them," Clint said.

"No, no, don't," I said, Pietro, holding Clint down so he could escape.

"Why, they hurt you?!" Clint kinda yelled.

"Because in English after lunch there was a note on my desk. It was from Steve, it said he was sorry," I said. Clint's face softens.

"Do you think it's a real apology?" Pietro asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know," I whispered.

"Well, I think you should let him come to you, Tony," Pietro said. I nodded. I decided to change the subject.

"Would you guys like to stay over?" I asked Pietro and Clint. They both nodded.

"Yeah, can I use your clothes?" Clint asked. I nodded.

"I don't think I can fit your clothes, Tony, I'll go home and get some if that's okay?" Pietro asked.

"Yeah, that's okay, also you might want to get another hoodie. Clint isn't going to give that back," I said, making Pietro laugh.

"It's fine, it looks cute on him," Pietro said, winking at Clint. Clint blushed. I laughed a little. Pietro gave Clint a kiss on the cheek. Then Pietro picked him up and sat him down on the bed. Pietro walked to my door and we said our goodbyes. I heard his car start and drive off.

"You two are cute together," I said. Clint smiled.

"Thanks, Tony," he said.

"He makes you really happy doesn't he?" I asked him. Clint nodded.

"Yeah, he really does," Clint said. I chuckled.

"I told you so," I said, hitting his shoulder lightly.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Clint said, rolling his eyes.

"But if he hurts you, I'll kill him," I said. Clint laughed.

"That won't happen," Clint said. I smiled.


It was a little later and Clint and I changed into some nightclothes. I slide on some sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt. I handed Clint some sweatpants too. He put on the sweatpants and kept on Pietro's hoodie. After we were dressed, that's when Pietro got back. he came in and he was wearing a plain black shirt with some sweatpants like Clint and me.

"What do you guys want to do first?" I asked.

"Movie!" Clint yelled from his seat on the couch. I nodded. As I was putting in a random movie. There was a rapid banging on my door. I stood up and carefully walked to the door. I open the peephole and I immediately opened the door.

"Bruce! Oh my God!" I yelled, quickly grabbing, and lifted him up into my arms. He was crying more like sobbing. He was holding onto his wrist. Pietro and Clint both jumped up.

"Tony, lay him on the couch," Pietro commanded. I quickly laid him down.

"Clint go get a first aid kit," Pietro told him. Clint nodded and ran upstairs. Pietro kneeled next to Bruce.

"Bruce it's okay, we're here. But I need to remove your shirt to see your injuries," Pietro said, quietly. Bruce nodded but was still crying.

"Tony, lift him up a little," Pietro said. I wrapped my arm around Bruce and lifted him up a little so Pietro could slip his shirt over his head. Once Pietro got it off, he went to remove his pants.

I kneel down next to Bruce's head. I held his head in my hands.

"You're going to be okay," I whispered to him. Clint came back and gave the first aid to Pietro. I continued to comfort Bruce, while Pietro was cleaning and bandaging his wounds. Then we got to his wrist. He was still holding it.

"Bruce, I know it's going to hurt, but I need to see your wrist," Pietro said, as I rubbed his hair. Bruce shook his head, still crying.

"Come on, Bruce, it'll make it better," I whispered. Bruce let out a sob. I nodded to Pietro to move it. Pietro grabbed his wrist with slow hands. Bruce screamed out, crying even more.

"Sh, sh, I know," I whispered. Pietro was examining his wrist. he let out a sigh.

"Clint, can you hand me a splint," Pietro said.

"It's broken?" I asked.

"Yeah, it is. And pretty bad," Pietro said, as he wrapped the wrist in a bandage and then put on the splint.

"Who did this?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"My father," Bruce whispered.

"That abusive prick," Clint said, hugging Pietro.

I sat onto the couch. I picked Bruce and cradled him in my arms.

"It hurt so fucking much!" Bruce cried into my shirt.

"Sh, sh, I know, I know," I whispered to him. Trying to calm him down.

"I don't want to go back," he whispered this time too.

"You're not going back there ever, you hear me, you're staying with me," I said, rubbing back.

"Thank you," he whispered before falling asleep on me. I stood up from the couch and walked towards the stairs.

"I'm going to take him to my room and then I'll be back," I said. As I walked up the stairs with him. I opened my door and laid him on my bed. He whimpered a little, and I rubbed his head. I covered him up and walked to the door again...


Author's Note: Hurt Brucie :(

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