Our First Day

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Author's Note: This photo works so well for this chapter. XD Lets roll on to the chapter!

Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far!

Important: This is how my school works, we have three lunch periods. The first lunch goes before the third period. The second lunch goes in the middle of the third period. And the third lunch goes after the third period. Just so everyone knows how lunch works in this story.


Tony's POV

"Oh God," I moaned, gaining Clint and Bruce's attention.

"What?" Bruce asked, looking at me.

"It's Mr. Perfect," I groaned this time.

"Seriously, Tony, just get over it," Clint said, rolling his eyes.

"Get over what?" I asked, giving him a glare.

"Being so mad at Steve Rogers all the time," Clint said, crossing his arms.

"Besides, Tony what did Steve do to you?" Bruce asked. I sighed.

"It's just he's so cocky and thinking he's better than everyone," I said, crossing my arms.

"Just don't let him get under your skin, Tony," Bruce said, trying to reassure me. I nodded, looking at the ground.

"I guess you're right, Bruce," I said, looking at him.

"When am I never not," Bruce said, with a small smirk. Making me and Clint laugh. That's when we heard the bell ring.

"You guys ready?" asked Bruce. I shook my head.

"Nope, but I guess we have too," Clint said, as we walked into the high school...


We walked into the guidance counselors' rooms and grabbed our schedules from them. We were walking down the hall, looking at them to see if we had the same.

"So, we all have gym together," Bruce remarked, great I have one class with the both of them.

"I also have science and math with you, Tony," Bruce said.

"Thank God, I would die without you as a group partner," I said, making Bruce smile.

"I only have gym with you, Tony," Clint said. Nice, I almost had all the classes with someone I know.

"I also have History with Clint," Bruce said.

"Great," Clint said.

"At least you have one class with the both of us, but what do you have first, Clint? Me and Bruce have Science." I asked Clint, as he was studying his schedule.

"I have Math three, geometry 1," Clint said. I laughed.

"Ha, good luck with that," I said. Bruce agreed.

"You solve nothing, it's just letters," Bruce said.

"What do you guys have?" asked Clint.

"We have the same, we're retaking it again, so we don't have to take trigonometry," I explained. Clint nodded.

"Lunch?" Clint simply asked.

"2nd," Me and Bruce said together.

"Great, at least I also have lunch with you guys too," Clint said, smiling.

"Okay guess we should head to class then," Bruce said. We all agreed and we walked our separate ways. Clint went to math and I walked with Bruce to science.

Bruce and I walked into science and sat near the back of the class. Science was uneventful, the teacher just talked about how the class was going to run and lab safety. Blah, blah, boring stuff. Thank God, the bell ranged or I was going to lose my mind. We all quickly stood up and walked out of class. Bruce and I walked to math together, because we have the same math class too.

We walked in and took a seat by the windows. Bruce sat in front of me. Math went the same the teacher talked about how the class was going to run and what he wanted from us. But the one thing I noticed was there were a few seats in the back that were empty, usually, all these classes were full. And I guess it just shocked me that the class wasn't full, I shook it off thinking it was nothing.

Once the bell rang again, we stood up and walked out the door.

"Where you off to now, Tony?" Bruce asked me.

"English, second floor," I said. Bruce nodded.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"History, the second floor too," Bruce said, looking at the room.

"You want me to walk you there? It's on my way to English," I asked. Bruce nodded.

"Please," he said, I smiled.

"Of course," I said, walking towards his class. I walked Bruce to his class. That's when I ran into Clint.

"Hey, keep a good eye on Bruce," I said to Clint.

"Of course, I will. I walk him to lunch too," Clint said. And I nodded.I said goodbye as I walked to my class.

Bruce always had a hard time with bullies. They always picked on him for being smart and just because he's an easy target. So anytime me and Clint can walk with him to class, we do. It makes us feel better that he has one of us by his side and it also helps Bruce too.

I finally reached English, which this teacher was annoying already because he had a seating arrangement. I was on the far left side and I was sitting two seats from the back. He said he class was full, and I knew someone was already skipping because the seat right behind me was empty. English ran the same. The teacher talked about the class and what he wanted from us. Blah,  blah, blah. I stopped listening at this point. That's when the bell ring saying it was second lunch, we all stood up and walked towards the lunchroom.

I made it to lunch and I walked outside to the tree, we always sit under. After a few minutes, Clint and Bruce walked out. I waved at them as they walked over to me. They sat down.

"How's history going?' I asked them.

"Boring as usual," Clint said, leaning against the tree.

"Sounds about right," I said.

During lunch, we talked about random crap until the bell rang again. Clint and Bruce headed back to history as I walked back to English.

Once English was over. I walked to the gym. I walked in and sat down on the bleachers. Waiting for Bruce and Clint. They walked in and sat next to me. Gym was like every other class. What is was going to run and how to get an A in this class. Was I listening, no.

That was our first day.


Author's Notes: This sums up how my first days go, except I don't have friends. :')

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