Clint's Little Crush

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Author's Note: This chapter is more about the Perfect Gang and now Clint's crush. So, please enjoy, and don't forget to vote!

I guess this is still a trigger but a little teasing again.

Clint has a crush, you know who Tony likes, but who should be with Bruce!? HELP ME!


Tony's POV

As I walked to lunch, I opened the school doors and went to our tree. I sat down and waited for Clint and Bruce. Bruce came through the doors with Clint right behind him. They walked to the tree and Bruce had a sad smile on his face. I immediately became concerned. Bruce sat next to me and I wrapped my arm around him.

"Hey, what's up?' I asked as Clint sat down next to Bruce.

"Sam and Bucky are in our history class," Clint said, rubbing Bruce's back. I nodded, understanding.

"Did they cause you any trouble?" I asked Bruce shook his head.

"Good," I said, hugging Bruce. Bruce hugged me back.

We all were in a small conversation with each other. We were laughing and having a good time. Bruce was now really smiling.

"You know what I think, Bruce is the glue in this group because if it wasn't for Bruce I think me and Tony would have killed each other by now," Clint said, laughing. I laughed too.

"Agreed," I said, making Bruce laugh. As we started to calm down, Bruce started to talk.

"You know, Clint has a crush," he said. My eyes widen.

"Do you, now," I said, smirking at Clint. Clint glared at Bruce. Clint slapped Bruce in the back.

"Bruce, no I don't," Clint whined. Bruce laughed.

"Yes, you do," Bruce teased.

"Spill, Barton," I said, staring at him.

"I don't have a crush," Clint whined at me. I shook my head.

"Who is it, Bruce?" I asked. Bruce smiled at me.

"You remember-" Bruce started, but Clint interrupted him.

"BRUCE!" he yelled.

"CLINT SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled, wanting to know his crush. Clint pouted and leaned against the tree.

"Continue, Bruce," I said, smiling.

"You remember Pietro and Wanda, the Russian kids," Bruce said. I nodded.

"Well, I think Clint likes Pietro," Bruce said. I nodded again.

"He was making google eyes at him in our history class," Bruce said.

"WAS NOT!" Clint yelled.

"Clint, you like the track star?" I asked, with a smirk.

"NO, I DON'T," Clint yelled, blushing.

"Yeah you do," I said, smiling.

"NO," yelled Clint.

"Come on, Clint, if you like him, ask him out," I said.

"No, he wouldn't like me," Clint whispered this time.

"Come on, Clint, just try," Bruce said.

"No," Clint said, burying his head in his heads.

"Clint," I whined, with a sad look on my face.

"How about you ask Pietro out at the football game this Friday, his sister is on the cheer team, he'll be there," Bruce said. Clint shook his head. I've never seen Clint like this.

"Clint, really just try. I promise it'll be okay," I said.

"You guys really think I should try?" Clint asked, looking up from his hands.

"Yes! Of course!" I said, giving him a smile. Bruce nodded.

"Okay, I'll try," Clint said, smiling. I clapped.

"Yes, good for you!" I said, reaching over and patted his back. That's when the bell rang. We all walked into the school. I walked with Clint and Bruce to their history class. I said goodbye and walked to my English class.

Steve was already in his seat, I rolled my eyes. I took my seat and focused on the board as the teacher started again...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The bell rang after a while. I quickly stood up to get away from Steve and went to meet up with Clint and Bruce.

We walked into the gym and we sat on the bleachers. As the teacher started the class, guess who fucking walked in. The Perfect Gang. I look at Clint and Bruce. Clint had a frown and an angry look and Bruce was slowly hiding behind me.

"If this day couldn't get any worst," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Looks like we have to deal with him here too," Clint said, crossing his arms.

"Just don't look at them," I said, turning to Bruce. Bruce and Clint nodded.

This gym class was free-play today so we could do anything we wanted too. A lot of the girls in our class played volleyball, some of the boys played basketball and some played football with the Perfect Gang. Clint, Bruce, and I sat on the side just watching. Clint and I making sure the Perfect Gang didn't get any ideas. For most of the class period we chatted and watched everyone play. That's when Bruce stood.

"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back," Bruce said, Me and Clint nodded.

As Bruce was watching across the gym, minding his own business, he was hit by a football. Bruce fell on the ground.

"Bullseye!" yelled Sam from the other side of the room. Everyone was laughing at Bruce. Bruce sat up and looked around, holding his head. Clint and I quickly ran over to him and asked if he was okay. Bruce nodded. I helped him stand up and I started to walk to the exit to the gym.

"Come on, we're going home," I said, glaring at Sam and the whole group. Clint and I walked to my car with Bruce. I unlocked my car and put Bruce in the back so he could lay down. I got into the driver's seat.

"Keep him safe, I'll be over later," Clint said.

"Okay, see you then," I said. Then I started to drive Bruce to my house...


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