Stuck In A Project

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Author's Notes: Can you guess who are partners for the project? XD

Steve and Tony get stuck in a project together. Tony ain't too thrilled. 

Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote!


Tony's POV

I walked into English with a semi-smile on my face. I was still kinda worried about Bruce but he is with Clint and Pietro, so I shouldn't be worrying. I took my seat in front of Steve. I rolled my eyes when I see him. I still had his note in my bookbag, but I'm not trusting him yet.

I still felt his eyes on me, but I ignored him this time. The class was going by painfully slow, slower than normal. Maybe it was because I was worrying so much about Bruce. This time it was so much worse then the other times this has happened. I kept my eyes on the clock waiting for lunch to arrive. I sat there, staring at the clock, slowly move its hands around the clock.

I tried to focus on the board, thinking it would help move this class faster. It didn't. It felt like a century when the bell rang. I jumped out of my seat and quickly walked towards their history class. I waited outside the door, when Pietro, Clint,  and Bruce came out. Pietro was holding Bruce up this time.

"You guys ready for lunch?" I asked everyone nodded. We slowly walked to the lunchroom, trying not to go to fast for Bruce. We walked through the double doors and walked to our tree. Wade and Peter were already there. Peter was pressed into Wade's side by Wade's arm. We walked up and they both have a look of concern.

"What happened?" Wade asked. I helped Pietro sit Bruce down on the ground. Bruce whined again.

"You're fine," I whispered to him and sat next to him.

"What happened to him?" Peter asked this time. I looked at Bruce.

"Wade and Peter, this is Bruce. Bruce, that's Peter and Wade," I told them, as I wrapped an arm around him for support. Bruce nodded and Wade and Peter said hi.

"Can we tell them?" I asked Bruce. He nodded. I turn to Wade and Peter.

"You guys can't say anything," I said in a serious tone. Wade and Peter nodded.

"Well, Bruce has an abusive father. And he was hurt worse than usual. So we have to help Bruce around today," I said.

"I know how that feels, I had an abusive father too," Wade said. I look back at Bruce to see he had fallen asleep. I chuckled a little.

"Poor thing," Wade said, messing up Bruce's hair a little.

"Is he going to be okay?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, he will," Pietro said.

"That's good," Peter said, looking at Bruce. We all then talked about random stuff again, until the bell rang. We all stood up and I pulled Bruce up with me, with a little help from Wade. I went to wrap my arm around Bruce when Wade stopped. I looked up at him, confused.

"I have an idea," Wade said. I was about to ask what the plan was when he picked up Bruce and put him on his back.

"Much easier," Wade said, with a smile. Wade grabbed Bruce's legs and Bruce wrapped his arms around Wade's neck.

We started to walk back to their history class. We stopped at the door.

"Here's your pitstop, Bruce," Wade said, as he lowered Bruce to the ground. Pietro wrapped an arm around his waist and helped him stand up. They walked into the class as I walked back to English.

English went a little faster in the second part, but then the teacher announced there was a group project. Some kids were high-fiving each other and asking if they wanted to be partners. But then the teacher dropped the bomb.

"I'll be assigning your partners," the teacher said. Some students groaned, probably knowing they won't be with their friends. I didn't care though, I didn't know anybody, but Steve. And I don't want to be with him. I laid my head on my hands, waiting for the teacher to say my name. He went down the list of names and then he hit mine.

"Antony Stark and Steven Rogers," he said. Are you fucking kidding me! I laid my head down and let out a quiet groaned. It's my fucking luck, isn't it. The teacher finished the list.

"You have three weeks to finish this project and you and your partner will show the class your project one at a time," The teacher explained, I stopped listening,  I was stuck in a project with Steve Rogers. The teacher started to wrap up the class but I didn't care. I couldn't stop thinking about Steve being my partner. The bell finally rang and I started to pack my stuff.

"So, we're partners?" I heard a voice come from behind me. I look up and turn around.

"I guess we are. So, I'm just going to do it. A free A for you," I said, continuing to gathering my stuff and shoving it into my bookbag.

"No, I'm going to help you," Steve said. I looked at him confused.

"Why are you turning down a free A?" I asked.

"Because I actually want to work with you," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, right," I said, standing up. He stood up too. He stepped in front of me.

"My house, today for the project," he said. I shook my head.

"No way, I'm not going home with you," I said, trying to push past him.

"Let me make it up to you," he said, grabbing my hands. I pulled them away.

"No way, Rogers,"

"Come on, let me explain. I'm sorry. just come over today, please," he begged. I glared at him. I wasn't going to win this argument. I just needed to get through this project as quickly as possible. I sighed.

"Fine, I'll go with you, but no funny business," I said

"Thank you," he said with a smile.

"I still don't forgive you though," I said, crossing my arms. He nodded. I then pushed past him and walked to gym...


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