The Horrible Day Continues

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Author's Note: continuing from the last chapter. Enjoy!


Tony's POV

As Thor and I were walking to lunch. We meant up with Clint, Pietro, and Bruce at their history class. I was dragging myself along behind Thor. My legs were achy and I was developing a migraine. We made it to the door as they were walking out. Bruce came out first with Clint and Pietro behind him. Of course, Clint and Pietro had their arms around each other.

"Hey, guys," Thor said, in a happy tone. They waved and said hello.

"Hey, Tony, how are you?" Pietro asked me. I shook my head and shrugged.

"You not feeling okay?" Clint asked, unwrapping himself from Pietro and walking up to me. I shook my head.

"I have a migraine," I said, truthfully. Clint nodded.

"Come on, let's get to the cafeteria so you can sit down," Clint said, leading me towards the cafeteria. The others following behind us. We walked into the room and Clint lead me to be the table we all usually sat at. I held my head in my hands. Clint sat me down and I laid my head on the table with a groan. Clint gave me a sympathetic pat on the back. I heard everyone sit down around me.

"Hey, guys," I look up to see Natasha, Peter, and Wade. Everyone said hello and Natasha looked at me.

"Jesus, Tony, you look like you were hit by a bus," Nat said, sitting down at the table. I laughed a little.

"Feel like I was hit by a bus," I said a small smile. Peter and Wade sat down.

"You doing okay, Tony?" Wade asked, probably noticing the bags under my eyes and my pale face. I shook my head.

"No, life's been shit," I said, chuckling a little. My body feeling numb.

"What happened?" Peter asked. I didn't want to tell them, but they deserve to know.

"My boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend, cheated on me over the weekend," I said, looking down at the table.

"You okay?" Wade asked, with concern in his voice. I shook my head.

"No, but I'll manage," I sadly said. Nat tried to light the mood after that.

"So have any of you boys got in trouble already?" Nat asked.

"Nope," Bruce said, proudly. Nat smiled at him.

"Of course, you're too good to get in trouble," she said, making Bruce blush a little. Pietro and Thor shook their heads.

"Nope," Wade said, with a smile.

"Which is shocking," Peter said, Wade, smacking him on the arm.

"You're so mean to me," Wade complained, with a pout. Making them all laugh. I smiled a little.

"Surprisingly, no," Clint said. Nat smirked.

"You sure?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. Making them all laugh again. I smiled. Clint pouted.

What about you, Tony?" she asked, turning to me.

"Yep," I simply said, before continuing.

"I got detention Friday after school," I said in a low voice. They all looked at me, besides Thor,  they looked shocked.

"What did you do? It's only Monday Tony," Bruce asked, Clint, let out a small chuckle.

"I fell asleep in English today," I stated, laying my head back on the table.

"Did you not sleep last night?" Pietro asked. I shook my head.

"No, I was up all night," I said, rubbing my eyes. I could feel the concern looks from them all.

"I'm okay, I' get through the day," I whispered, as I sat up.

"Here, Tony, have some of my food," Thor said, offering his food to me. My stomach twisted and I felt nauseous. I shook my head.

"No, I'm okay," I said, pushing his food back to him. Lunch was going okay until I noticed someone walking up to our table. My stomach dropped and twisted again. I felt sick and nervous.

Steve walked up to our table, I started to tremble, my body was shaking horribly. Steve was gonna make fun of me or brag that he was dating someone better than me. I single tear fell from my eye. I was terrified.

"Tony," was all he said before Clint butted in.

"No, Steve, Tony doesn't want to talk to you!" Clint yelled, shield me from Steve. My head was screaming in pain. My migraine worsened. I whined, tears were running down my face.

"Clint, please-" Clint interrupted him.

"Steve, I really don't want to hear it, You've already done enough to him, now Leave!" Clint yelled, keeping his protective arm around me. As I hid my face with my hands.

"B-but," Steve started but stopped.

"Steve, I don't know you that much man, but you hurt Tony, so I think it's best that you leave," Wade said, his voice sounding like venom. Peter nodded, agreeing with Wade.

"Steve, seriously leave, you've done enough," Pietro said, in a dark voice.

"Steve, you've hurt my friend, now get away from him," Thor said, in a threatening voice.

"Just leave," Bruce said, glaring.

"No one wants you here," Natasha said, her glare like draggers. I heard Steve sigh in defeat and I heard him walk away. I look up at everyone.

"Thank you guys, you're the best," I whispered, laying my head on Clint's shoulder. They all smiled at me.

"You're our friend, we'll always protect you," Thor said, everyone, nodded in agreement.

"Never hesitate to ask us to help," Bruce said, with a gentle smile.

"I'm surprised Clint didn't punch Steve," Natasha said, making all laugh.

"You don't understand how close I was to stand up and punch him," Clint said, giving me a squeeze. I smiled, I truly had great friends. The spirit of the table lifted and I was laughing a little at what the ours would say or do. Everything was good until the bell rang. Lunch was over, my smile disappeared. I didn't want to go back.

We all walked to our class, stopping at the ours history class first. Then Thor and I continued back to English.

*Skip to End of Day*

The rest of the day was awful. English was okay, Thor was very protective of me, which I appreciated a lot. Gym was also bad with the whole popular squad, minus Nat because she sat we us today. But Sam was still messing with us and everything like that.

We all walked out to our cars and I went over to Pietro's car, he drove me this morning, because I felt like I would have crashed if I did. We all hopped in and Pietro drove us all home.

Today had been hellish and I'm sure the whole week would be the same, but Friday was gonna be the worst. Because I have detention with Steve and there is no way I can escape him there.


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