Planning the Weekend

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Author's Note: Nothing much to say, just enjoy the chapter!


Tony's POV

It was the night after mine and Steve's date. It was amazing! Steve drove me home after the date. It was Sunday and I walked into my house after Steve dropped me off. I slowly opened my door. Not knowing if Bruce was asleep or not.

I walk in to see Bruce sitting on the couch with a blanket. A movie on and had snacks everywhere. I laughed a little.

"You had a good time without me," I said. Bruce looked up at me.

"Hey, you're the one that left me alone in the first place," Bruce said. I laughed.

"So how did it go?" Bruce asked.

"How did what go?" I asked, not knowing if he meant the date or the project we were supposed to work on.

"Well, going to Steve's house. How did that go?" Bruce asked. I nodded.

"It went good, we didn't really work on the project though. But guess what?" I said, smiling. I sat down on the couch next to Bruce.

"Steve asked me on a date!" I yelled. Bruce looked shocked.

"Really?! Oh Tony have you been on the date yet?" Bruce yelled. I quickly nodded my head.

"Where did you guys go!?" Bruce asked.

"He took me to the fair and we rode rides and we rode the Ferris Wheel and he asked me to be his boyfriend!" I yelled.

"Tony, that sounds great," Bruce said, smiling.

"I know it was so much fun and he makes me so happy," I said, softly smiling.

"That's good to hear. I'm so happy for you, Tony," Bruce said, smiling.

"Me too," I whispered, still smiling. Bruce then laughed a little.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"Clint is gonna kick your ass for telling me first," Bruce said, stilling laughing. I laughed.

"God, Clint is gonna be a nightmare," I laughed.

"He's your problem now," Bruce said.

"Yeah, you know it has been a little bit since we hanged out normally. Want to see if he wants to come over?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure," Bruce simply responded with.

I got out my phone and texted in our group chat.

(T-Tony C-Clint)

T- Hey, Clint you wanna come over this weekend and hang out with me and Bruce?

C- Sure, could I go home with you Friday and spend the night?

T- Sure, you could even bring Pietro if you want

C- I'll ask him tomorrow at school

T- Okay, see ya Friday

C- See ya

"Okay, Clint is coming over Friday to spend the night and hang over the weekend," I stated to Bruce.

"Cool, did you tell him about you and Steve?" Bruce asked. I shook my head.

"No, I'll tell him tomorrow," I said.

"You're digging your own grave deeper, Tony," Bruce said, laughing a little.

"Yeah, I really am," I said, laughing. Bruce joined in.

After we calmed down a little. I said.

"Hey, you wanna head up to bed, it's pretty late and we have school," Bruce nodded.

"Yeah, let's go to bed," Bruce said. We both stood up and started to clean the living room a bit. Bruce put the snacks back in the kitchen and I turned off the tv. We walked up my stairs and went into our rooms. Bruce's being the guest room.

"Night, Bruce," I called out.

"Night," he called back.

I walked into my room and changed into something to sleep, which was a black tank top, and my boxers. I laid in my bed and quickly to sleep thinking about Steve...

*Next Day & Skip to Lunch*

Bruce, Pietro, and I were sitting at our lunch table, waiting for Clint. Apparently he got in trouble before lunch and had to stay behind a little.

"So, what did Clint do?" I asked.

"Clint threw a marker at the teacher," Pietro said, calmly.

"Of course he did," I chuckled a little. I little bit later I saw Clint enter the cafeteria.

"Watch out, he might throw a marker at you," I said. Clint rolled his eyes.

"Leave me alone," Clint groaned.

"Hey baby," Pietro said, hugging Clint when he sat down.

"Hey," Clint said, giving Pietro a kiss.

"Clint, did you ask Pietro if he wanted to spend the night at my house?" I asked.

"Oh, no I forgot, uh Pietro?" Clint questioned, looking up at Pietro.

"Oh no, sorry guys, I have to work this weekend, unfortunately," Pietro said.

"Oh, that's okay, we'll keep Clint in check this weekend," I said, smirking.

"HEY!" Clint said, smacking my arm.

"You wanna go!" I yelled, smacking Clint back. Me and Clint were in a smack off when someone walked up to our table. I look up at see Steve, Natasha, and someone else.

"Oh, hey Steve," I said, giving him a small wave.

"Can we sit?" Steve asked. I nodded. Steve sat next to me, Natasha sat next to Bruce and the new blonde sat next to Pietro.

"This is Thor, he's on the football team with me," Steve said, introducing him. We all said hello.

"Hello, I'm Thor, and you guys are?" he asked.

"Names Tony,"

"I'm Bruce, nice to meet you,"


"I'm Pietro," We all introduced ourselves.

"It's nice to meet you all," Thor said.

"So, how have you been, baby?" Steve asked, wrapping his arm around me, giving me a peck on the lips.

"Good," I said, smiling. I turn to Clint and he was in total shock.

"You didn't tell me," Clint was speechless for a few minutes. Then all hell broke loose.

"Tony! I'm gonna beat our ass!" Clint yelled. Starting to smack my arms. I smacked back while laughing. Pietro grabbed Clint by the waist and pulled him down next to him.

"You didn't tell me, you were dating Steve!" Clint yelled, pouting in his seat. We all burst out laughing.

After Clint calmed down and we all stopped laughing.

"What were you guys talking about before we got here?" Steve asked.

"Oh, Clint and Bruce were spending the night at my house on Friday and staying the weekend. You guys can come over to if you want to," I said.

"That's fine by me," Natasha said, smiling a little.

"I'd be honor too, Tony," Thor said, with a big toothy grin.

"I'd love too," Steve said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Then it's settled, I'm basically having a small party at my house.


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