The Mr. Perfect Gang

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Author's Note: Pictures too perfect. I LOVE it! XD I love that they're the popular group.

This story is already so much fun to write. I hope everyone is enjoying it.

Plus Hamilton came out on Dinsey Plus, so excited!

I guess this can be a warning: a little teasing


Tony's POV

It was Wednesday now. Tuesday went by like Monday did, but a little more work then just the teacher talking our ears off. I went all day Tuesday not seeing Mr. Perfect all day which was great for me.

I parked my car in my parking spot and spotted Bruce walking onto the school grounds. I ran up to him.

"Bruce!" I yelled. Bruce shot his head up and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey," he said.

"Bruce, did you walk to school?" I asked. He nodded.

"Bruce, you could have called me. I could have driven you," I said, looking sad at him.

"It didn't want to bother you though," he said, scratching the back of his head.

"You live 15 minutes away by drive, Bruce, that's a long walk," I said. he had to be walking for maybe 30 minutes maybe even 45 minutes.

"I'll call you next time," he said.

"You better, I don't want you walking that far every day. I'm also driving you home," I said, shoving my keys into my pocket.

"Okay," he said, I smiled. We started walking into school and walked to our first period. We walked into the science room and sat in our seats.

Science was boring, we just talked about living and nonliving things in different environments. It was a little boring, but it wasn't the worst. the bell rang. I grabbed my book bag and walked to math with Bruce.

We were the first ones there was we went to our normal seats and were just chatting. Bruce was turned to face me. We were laughing and smiling and just having a good time before math started. The bell rang and Bruce turned around. The class was full now. As the teacher was about to start class. Someone knocked on the door. The teacher answered it and guess who came walking in.

The Perfect Gang. I rolled my eyes. Are you actually kidding me, they're all in my class.

"Thank you for finally joining us, you all may sit in the back," the teacher told them. They all walked towards the seats behind me. I gave them a glare when they walked by. The teacher started the lesson. I look behind me. Natasha was sitting near me with her feet on the desk in front of her. Sam and Bucky were chatting away in a whisper, not to alarm the teacher, and Steve was staring at me. I gave him a death glare and he turned around to talk to Bucky and Sam.

The class was going okay with them in it until one of them got an idea.

As I was writing a note from the board, I notice a paper ball hitting Bruce in the back of the head. He turned around and I shook my head towards the Perfect Gang. Bruce nodded and turned back around.

A few minutes later, another paper ball hit Bruce. Bruce turned again, had a sad look on his face. I leaned forward.

"Ignore them, Bruce," I whispered, rubbing his shoulder. He nodded and turned back after to the front. I took my hand off his shoulder and refocused to the front where the teacher was talking. I heard some laughs from behind me. I turn around to see the Perfect Gang laughing at Bruce and me. I rolled my eyes.

I was turning back around when I noticed Steve wasn't laughing. Maybe he didn't see what his friends were doing. I shook my head at them.

"It's okay," I whispered to Bruce and he nodded. The class started to go by slower than before. I would steal glances of the group to make sure they wouldn't mess with Bruce. And as soon as the bell rang, I grabbed my bag and quickly walked out with Bruce.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"Are you okay?' I asked. he nodded.

"That's for looking out for me," he said. I smiled.

"Anytime," I said, I walked him to history and waited for Clint to show up.

"Hey, what's up?' he asked me.

"The Perfect Gang was in our math class, look out for him," I said, Clint, nodded.

"Will do," Clint said, as I walked to English.

I sat down in English and got my binder out from my bookbag. I was waiting quietly for the teacher to start class because I didn't have anybody to talk to in this class. The students started to flood in and near the end of the line was, are you kidding me! Steve fucking Rogers walked in. I groaned, I now have math and English with him. I'm done. And I thought it couldn't get worst.

"Hello, Mr. Rogers, thank you for joining us, your seat is behind Mr. Stark," he said. Yep, it got worst. As Steve walked to his seta behind me, I glared at him. He gave me one back. He sat behind me and the teacher started class. Surprisingly, Steve was quiet and wasn't messing with me. Not like I would let him through.

The whole first half of class, we took notes. Then the second lunch bell rang and I walked to lunch...


Author's Note: I'm writing more about the Perfect Gang in the next chapter, so stay tuned. :)

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