A Movie and Hurting

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Author's Notes: Kinda an add on from the last chapter. We just learn a little more about Bruce and his pain. :(



Tony's POV

We started our movie when I got back from my room. But I don't think we were paying attention. Clint kept nodding off and would fight sleep for a few hours. Pietro was messing with Clint's hair, which I think was helping Clint lose his battle to sleep. I was laying on another couch, trying to watch the movie.


It was a while after I put Bruce to sleep. Clint had fallen asleep at this point. Him and Pietro were on the other couch. Clint was wrapped in a blanket with his head in Pietro's lap. Pietro was watching the movie still, brushing his fingers through Clint's hair. I smiled at them. Clint's face was relaxed and for once his body wasn't tense. Pietro brings the good out in Clint. I direct my attention back to the movie.

After a while, we heard a creak from the top of the stairs. We turn to look at the stairs. Bruce stood at the top with my blanket wrapped around him. I smiled a little.

"Hey, Bruce," I whispered loud enough for him to hear and not wake Clint. Bruce looked at me and started to walk down the first stair. He stepped down and whimpered in pain. I quickly stood up and walked up to Bruce.

"Here, let me help you," I said, Bruce, nodded. I picked him up and held him in my arms. I walked slowly downstairs, not to hurt Bruce anymore.  I made my way over to the couch and laid him down slowly. Bruce let out a whine.

"Sh, it's okay," I whispered, rubbing his head. The blanket fell off one of Bruce's shoulder and I noticed he was still just in his boxers.

"Hey, Bruce, you want me to go get one of my hoodies?" I asked, kneeling down near his face. He nodded.

"I'll go ahead and check his bandages again," Pietro said, lifting Clint's head and laid it back on the couch. Clint let out a whine and rolled over. Pietro walked over to Bruce and kneel down.

"I'm going to remove the blanket now, okay. No one's going to hurt you," Pietro whispered as he grabbed the blanket and pulled it down. Bruce shivered a little.

"I'll be right back," I said, walking up the stairs and into my room. I went into my closet and grabbed a random hoodie. Since me and Bruce were literally almost the same size. (I did research XD) The hoodie I grabbed was a plain dark grey one. I walked back downstairs and went to Bruce. Pietro put the blanket back over him. I kneel down in front of him.

"Hey, Bruce, can you sit up for me? I have the hoodie," I said. Bruce opened his eyes a little. Bruce slowly tried to sit up, but his arm started to shake. I grabbed under his armpits and sat him up, so he was leaning against the back of the couch. I lifted the hoodie over his head and pulled it over him. Once I got the hoodie on him, I helped him lay back down on the couch. I sat near his feet and Pietro sat back down next to Clint.

TALKING ABOUT ABUSE YOU CAN SKIP! READ AT OWN RISK! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Does this always happen?" Pietro asked me, petting Clint's head.

"Unfortunately, yes," I whispered, rubbing Bruce's leg.

"Why?" Pietro asked.

"Because his father is a prick. And blamed the death of his wife on Bruce," I said, with a growl at the end.

"How long has this been happening?" Pietro asked. I sighed.

"Since we were kids. Bruce always came to school with bruises and cuts, but nobody cared to ask him what's wrong," I said, continuing to rub his legs.

"Why not get the police?" Pietro asked.

"We tried, but there was no evidence against his father. Even when my parents noticed, he would say Bruce was so clumsy or he always fell down the stairs again," I said, looking at Pietro. He had a look that could kill.

"Bruce would get so scared to talk about it somethings. He comes to school with bruises and cuts and now broken bones and ribs," I said.

"Why would his father do this?" Pietro said with venom in his voice.

"Because he couldn't take the blame for his wife's death. He killed her," I blankly said.

"He killed her?" Pietro said, with rage on his face.

"Yep, he is alcoholic and smokes a lot. One day he was so drunk that he beat his wife to death. Bruce had to watch," I said, looking back at Bruce.

"Poor thing," Pietro said, looking at Bruce too.

"I know, that's why I always let him at my house, just to get him away from him," I said, pulling the blanket up a little onto Bruce.

"Bruce shouldn't have to go through that," Pietro said.

"I know, no one does, but our sweet, innocent Bruce had to endure this monster, but no anymore. And that's a fucking promise," I said with anger.

"I'm always here to help too. Bruce is my friend too," Pietro said. I looked at him.

"Thanks, Pietro," I said.

"Anytime, you need me, I'll be there," Pietro said. I smiled. Bruce was safe now and isn't going back to that monster...


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