A Pissed Off Clint

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Author's Note: Remember when I said Clint was a protective friend well... You'll have to wait and see. Enjoy!

(Could be Triggers: Heart-Break, Self-Doubt, Pissed Clint, Yelling, Panic Attacks, Hyperventilation)


Tony's POV

I ran as fucking fast as my legs could go, I needed to get away. Away from Steve and away from Bucky. Steve betrayed me. He promised that he was better and that he loved me. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something to make Steve upset?

Maybe I was just a side whore. Since Bucky was sick for the week. Steve needed someone to distracted himself, while Bucky was away...

That's all I'll ever be is a whore. Steve was right the first time. I am a whore. I was still running down the street, tears still streaming down my face. I had to get home. I just want to lay in my bed, cry, and go to sleep forever. Maybe this was all an awful nightmare and I'll wake up in Steve's arms in my house. Somehow I know that can't be true.

I made it to my house, my legs were screaming and my lungs couldn't catch a breath. But I didn't care, everything hurt. I busted through my front door and dashed for the stairs. As I was running up the stairs, I think I heard someone call out to me. But I didn't care, I just wanted to be alone right now. I swing my bedroom door open and slammed it behind me. I jumped onto my bed and broke into a loud sob. Everything continued to hurt. My legs and lungs hurt from running, my head was getting a headache from all the crying I was doing, and my heart hurt the worst. Steve broke my heart, and I don't know how to fix it.

Maybe I wasn't meant to be loved. Of course, why would someone like Steve love someone like me? He's popular and I'm not. He's sporty and I'm techy. He's too fucking perfect and I'm nothing. Of course, he wouldn't love me.

I cried harder. I think I was hyperventilating too at this point. It was getting hard to breathe... And then I faintly heard my door open...

Clint's POV (POV Switch)

Me, Natasha, Thor, And Bruce were watching tv in the living room, waiting for Tony and Steve to get back from their date. Tony was so excited to go, I swear he was acting more like a teenage girl then a teenage boy. But I'm glad he's happy...

Natasha was laying with me on the couch, while Bruce and Thor were on the floor. Bruce was laying right next to Thor. I smiled a little, maybe Bruce found someone his likes. We've been watching for a while when the door suddenly busted opened. In came Tony, storming to the stairs. Running right by us.

"Tony?" Bruce yelled out to him, but only receiving a door slam from upstairs. We all jumped a little at how loud the door was slammed.

"What was that?" Thor asked, sitting up from his seat on the ground. I shook my head.

"I don't know," I said, looking up at his room. That's when we heard a loud broken sob. Me and Bruce jumped up from our seats and ran up to his room. I banged on the door.

"Tony?!" I yelled, hoping he would answer. All I got was a sob. I threw open his door and went over to his bed. I sat next to his head and Bruce sat at the foot of the bed. Thor and Natasha just made it up the stairs and was standing next to the bed.

"Tony, can you hear me?" I asked, slowly running my hand through his hair. He continued to hyperventilate.

"Tony, you need to listen to me, okay?" I asked as I petted his hair. Bruce started to rub Tony's legs to try and prove from comfort.

"Can you do that for me?" I asked. Tony started to cam down a little and he nodded his head.

"Good, take deep breaths for me, okay?" I asked. Tony tried to slow his breathing and was calming down a little.

"Thor, could you help me sit him in a sitting position?" I asked, looking up at him. Thor nodded, hopping on the bed and helped me sit Tony up. Tony looked over to me and leaned into me. I wrapped my arms around him and held him snug.

"You're okay, Tony," I said, but Tony shook his head no.

"Here calm down Tony, and then you can tell me what happened," I said, rubbing his back. Tony nodded and slowly lowered his breathing.

"There you go," I whispered as he laid on me. Tony moved his hand up to his face to wipe his face.

"You okay now?" I asked, rubbing his back. Tony shook his head.

"Tony, what happened?" Bruce asked, softly. Tony looked like he was going to break again.

"S-Steve, he-he-," Tony tried to speak but broke into tears again. I continued to rub his back.

"It is okay, Tony, take you time," Natasha said, sitting down on the edge of his bed. After a few minutes, Tony stopped crying.

"Tony, what did Steve do?" Bruce asked, rubbing his legs.

"Steve, h-he BETRAYED me!" he half yelled. I was about to ask him, what Steve did, but Tony beat me.

"We w-went to the m-movies, and I went to get a d-drink. I c-came back and he was k-kissing Bucky!" Tony yelled, starting to cry again. We all were shocked.

"Oh, Tony," Bruce said, in a sad, mellow voice. Tony was crying again, using his hands to hide his face.

"What did I do wrong? he asked, in a low, tiny voice. I hugged him tightly.

"Absolutely, nothing Tony, Steve is the problem, not you," I said. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Tony, don't let Steve break you down like this," Bruce said, giving Tony a hug.

"I can't help it, I thought he loved me," Tony said, the last part barely a whisper. I was fuming, no, not fuming, inraged. I'm gonna kick Steve's ass. I look around, Bruce had a concerned look, while Natasha and Thor had an expression like mine. We were angry. I looked back down at Tony, the poor thing, looked exhausted and was struggling to keep his eyes open.

"How about you take a nap, you look exhausted, Tony," I said. Tony nodded and got out of my arms to lay in his bed. We all stood and went to his door. We heard a soft snore come from behind us. Tears still staining his face. Tony doesn't deserve this.

"I'm gonna kill him," I whispered, so I didn't wake Tony, but everyone else heard.

Steve Rogers is dead to me.


Author's Note: Clint is PISSED!

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