The Stupid Football Game

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Author's Note: I know it might be a little out of character that Sam, Bucky, Steve, and Natasha are mean to Bruce, but I wanted it from my story... So still enjoy it, please. :)

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Tony's POV

Thursday blew by, even with Steve and his gang in our classes. And the plus is they didn't mess with Bruce, which was great. Bruce felt a lot better now. Also, I started driving him to school now, which made me feel a lot better knowing he didn't have to walk so far.

We walked into the football field and sat in the bleachers. We watched the football players warm up on both sides. I mainly watched Steve, he looked pretty good in uniform- wait, what am I saying? I asked myself. I shook my head and started to talk to Clint and Bruce again.

"Do you guys even now how football works?" I ask, my two friends.

"Nope, all I know is you have to make it to the end thingy," Bruce said. I laughed.

"Yeah, I think so much about football," Clint said. I laughed.

"Oh yeah, enlighten me then," I said, smirking at Clint.

"You need three-pointers, hole in ones, I just love soccer," Clint said, making us all laugh.

"You score on the court," He continued and I laughed harder. Bruce was dying next to me.

"Dear God, Clint!" I yelled, still laughing. After we calmed down, I was wheezing a little.

"You guys want to go get food now?" I asked, holding my stomach. It ached from laughing. Bruce was doing the same.

"Yeah, let's go," Clint said with a goofy smile.

I walked to the food place and I got in line. It's didn't take that long before I was at the front.  l just ordered some drinks, not really wanting anything to eat.

As I was walking back to our seats, guess who ran into me. I was making our way there, Steve fucking Rogers ran straight into me. I fell onto my ass and let out a yelp.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," he tried to apologize, but I ignored him. He put his hand out for me to grab, but I hit it away.

"Whatever, Rogers. Why would you care?" I said, standing up and walking back to Bruce and Clint. Leaving Rogers there.

I walked back to our seats to see Bruce and Clint.

"Where were you?" Bruce asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Rogers ran into me," I simply said. I sat in between Bruce and Clint.

"Did you talk to him?" Clint asked. I shook my head.

"No, of course not," I said with venom in my voice. Clint and Bruce both looked at me with disappointing looks. I just brushed it off.


It was near the beginning of the second quarter.

"Clint, I think it's a good time to ask Pietro now," I said, pointing to the bottom row were he was sitting. Clint shook his head when he looked at Pietro.

"Come on, Clint you can do this," I said, giving him a side hug.

"I don't know, I'm nervous. What if he says no?" He said, looking up at me.

"I'm sure he'll say yes," I said, continuing to hug him.

"I agree with Tony, he'll say yes," Bruce said, from the other side of me. Clint nodded and slowly stood up from his seat next to me, and slowly walked down the stairs to the bottom row. Clint looked up at us and I smiled and gave him a thumbs-up. Clint smiled and walked over to Pietro. I smiled, Clint might actually do it.

Pietro looked up at Clint and smiled. Clint smiled back. Clint took a seat beside Pietro and they got to talking.

I turn to Bruce, who was kinda focusing on the game, I tapped his shoulder. He looked at me and I pointed at Pietro and Clint. Bruce smiled.

"He's going to do it," Bruce said, amazed a little.

"I know," I said smiling.

Clint and Pietro continued to talk and smile. I think Clint is doing well.

The game was going good our team was smoking the other team. 28 to 0 in the second quarter.


After a while, maybe near the end of the game, I look back at Clint. I smiled, wide. Clint was leaning against Pietro, Pietro had his arm around him. Clint also had Pietro's hoodie on.

I poked Bruce again and he looked down at them and smiled like me.

"I think he got a yes," Bruce said, and I laughed.

"I think he did too," I said.

As the game ended, Clint came running up the stairs with a smile on his face, still in Pietro's hoodie. I was about to ask how it went when he hugged me. I was a little surprised, but I hugged him back.

"Thank you, Tony, thank you!" he said, hugging me tighter. I chuckled a little.

"You're welcome. How did it go?" I asked, still hugging him.

"He said yes and he even said he was thinking about asking me out too!" Clint said, excitedly. I smiled.

"We told you," I said, unwrapping myself from his hug.

"I know, and also he invited me and you guys to the after-party at Steve's house! Can you guys please come?" Clint asked, with begging eyes. I wouldn't mind about going to an afterparty but at Steve's. I don't know.

"I'll go," Bruce said, smiling.

"Tony, please?" Clint begged me.

"Fine, I'll go," I said and Clint squealed.

"Come on, let's go!" he yelled.


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