|Chapter One|

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Walking into the Gotham City Police Department, my eyes land on the familiar form of Harvey Bullock. He's changed since I last saw him. He's a bit heavier and his expression is more haunted. But that isn't what catches my immediate attention.

His whole demeanour screams lividity as he stalks to the precinct locker room. Stiffly, I scratch my head and tug at my hood so that it hangs low just above my eyes. Eyes that shift around, wary of the dangers lurking at every turn. 

Harvey is mad, furious even. But why?

Slinking over to where Harvey disappeared, I look around before sneaking in. No one in the precinct seems to notice me and even if they do notice they don't seem to care. 

I walk silently and peak my head around the corner in order to see what is happening.

What I see surprises me.

I always knew Harvey was a rough character. I've seen him beat the crap out of plenty of people many times in the past. But I never expected to see this.

Harvey has a gun pulled on a man who looks slightly terrified. Interest peaked, I watch from my hiding spot in the shadows.

"I thought we were friends!" Harvey yells at him.

The man tries to placate his wrath, "Harvey-"

"Shut up! Game's over! Now I gotta kill you and take your body back to Falcone and beg, BEG HIM for mercy!" 

Frowning thoughtfully, I mull over what he said. He mentioned Falcone, which means the theory that makes the most sense is that this new guy did something to tick off Don Falcone. Harvey knows not to tick off the Don.

"Listen to me. I screwed up, but I have a plan to make things right. Don't kill me, help me," the man pleads.

I almost feel sad for him as Harvey clearly has the upper hand.

Outraged, Harvey yells, "Do you think I'm an idiot!?"

Unaware of the scene occurring in the locker room, two unassuming police officers enter. Bullock screams at them to walk away, and they wisely obey his command. 

Unfortunately, Harvey was not so wise. 

He turned his back on the man he was holding at gunpoint and gave the man an opportunity. With a violent lunge, the man twists the gun from Harvey's hands and kicks him in the leg so that he falls. Bullock groans in pain and frustration. 

"Help me. We don't have to go out like this."

"You better hope you never see me again," Harvey seethes.

The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife and it sends delightful shivers down my spine. Licking my lips, I carefully step out into the light. A dramatic entrance that I find fitting. 

"Good job fellas, almost brought a tear to my eye," I say as I saunter towards them. 

They turn to me in confusion and Harvey shatters the silence, "Who the hell are you?"

I try to not let the disappointment show on my face. Did I really expect him to remember me after all this time?

"It's Y/n," I elaborate and watch carefully as his face lights up with recognition. 

"Y/n! What are you doing here?!" He starts to spew questions as the mysterious man stands there dumbfounded. 

"I just got back in town and I wanted to say hi. Who's your friend?"

"Hold up," he raises his hands with a disbelieving expression, "You 'just got back in town'? You've been gone for two years. Two years, and that's all you have to say about it?"

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