|Chapter Eleven|

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It wasn't long until Carmine called us to him.

Victor walks in first and strikes conversation, "What's up?"

"They took Liza."

I frown. Who would dare go against the Don? A person with a death wish, no doubt. "I'm sorry, Falcone."

He nods his appreciation when suddenly the phone rings. He answers it, "I didn't expect it to be you."

A pause of silence that seems to stretch on forever. 

"May I speak to her? Hello?" At no response, he sets the phone down.

"Sir, let me go to work," Victor looks as mad as I feel. The Don is almost like a father to me and someone decided to mess with him. 


"No?" Vic echoes.

"If Fish and the others - and there must be others. If they all want me to step away so badly maybe it's time. Why not?"

Victor moves to stand in font of Falcone while he continues speaking, "Why am I still here? Fighting? For what?"

"For respect," Victor states, clenching his fists as I nod. "You're Don Carmine Falcone."

"Respect? Who cares?" Don Falcone picks up a red flower that lay on the table beside him. "They all want me to go live in the country with Liza. I would like that, that's what I want too, so why not do it."

"Please, don't talk that way sir," Victor chuckles, "Just me on my own, I can take out Fish's crew easy. It'll be even easier with Y/n's help."

"Yeah," I agree.

"You're not listening, Victor. Your job is keep me and Liza safe through the coming transaction. That's all."

"Yes sir," Zsasz relents, and I frown but nod.

Victor clenches his teeth to prevent himself from speaking further, as we stand by the Don's side.

Carmine phones someone else and tells him that he needs him here.


Victor sighs loudly, and I suppress an equally bored sigh of my own.

"Hush young man, I can hear you sigh."

"Sorry sir," he answers, but footsteps interrupt.

A man escorts another man into the room. I recognize the man as Oswald, the guy I ran into on the street not too long ago. 

Victor goes to stand directly in front of him, but the Don tells him to let him be. I smile at Oswald as he kneels before Don Falcone. 

"It's good to see you old friend."

"I am so sorry it took me so long to get here," he groans and shakes his head, "Such a day I've had. . . I won't even tell you. But I'm here."

"You were right about Fish. It's her that's taken Liza."

"Sir, allow me. I must tell you what I've discovered. You're not gonna want to hear this."


He inhales deeply and then does as he was told, "Liza was planted on you by Fish. She belongs to Fish. This was a setup from the start. She found a girl that looked just like your mother and trained her up to-"

The Don backhands him right in the face. I stifle a fit of laughter at the sight. 

"No," Falcone states.

"I'm sorry."

"Prove it."

"How? I can't, I just know."

"You're wrong."

"When have I been wrong?" He spits venomously. 

I growl at his disrespectful tone and his gaze flickers to mine for an instant. 

The phone rings again, and Falcone answers it. 

"Hello Fish."

"Don Falcone we will meet at my place. Acceptable?"

"Yes. Is she there? Is Liza there? Can I speak to her?"


"What time?"

"In an hour."

"I'll be there."

I await orders with baited breath.


Vic and I enter Fish Mooney's nightclub through the back way, taking out any guards that we come across. Sneakily, we make our way to the backstage area. 

We await the right moment, listening to Falcone and Fish's conversation.

I can hear him greeting Liza and taking her in his arms.

Fish greets him calmly. I barely suppress a chuckle, because she should not be calm right now. If anything, she should be terrified.

"Liza, do you know Fish Mooney?" Don Falcone asks.

A short pause before the answer, "N-no, I just met her."

I can tell by her voice that she lies.

"Oh, a little bird told me you and she had been friends for awhile," he replies curtly.

She gasps a little, "No"

"Told me that she told you stuff about my mother so that I'd get all caught up in you. Because Fish knows - you know - about my mother."

He redirects his voice to Fish, "You know how much I love my mother, because we talked about her. All the time you and me, remember Fish? Back in the day?"

"I do," she speaks with confidence, "It seems as though a little bird has been making a bit of mischief."

"Yes, that is what I had hoped, but the truth is plain to see... I am very disappointed in my own stupidity." 

At this cue, Vic and I make our presence known. Walking out, I hold my gun against Fish, while Vic takes Butch. Zsasz lets out a low whistle.

"I'm sorry Liza. Is that your name?"

She lets out a shaky breath and nods.

"I'm sorry you had to get mixed up in this, because I'm sure you're a good, honest girl really." He strokes her cheek with his thumb.

His hand slowly travels to her neck and his other hand raises too. They clamp around her throat as she chokes and sputters in shock.

Fish tries to go to her but Butch holds her back, "No."

Her body thuds on the floor - lifeless.

Shock emanates from Fish as she shakes her head in disbelief. Butch looks just as shaken, possibly thinking of his pain-filled future.

"Take them away," Don Falcone orders Zsasz and I.

We share a smile and do as we're told without hesitation.

Thank you so much for reading! 

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