|Chapter Thirteen|

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Turns out, it can be quite fun beating the living daylights out of a lowlife mobster.

My vision is painted red as I punch Butch in the face as hard as I physically can. Victor laughs as I repeat the step a few more times. Our prisoner groans, barely conscious. 

I step away and admire my handiwork. His face is swollen, blood rushing from his nose and mouth. 

Wiping my soiled hands my black pants, I turn to Zsasz. He observes me with wide eyes and raises his eyebrow ridge, "Done so soon?"

My vision has returned to normal and my anger has subsided, "Yeah, it's been fun but I need a break. And, I assume you need some room to work your magic."

"It's always nice having your company," he states, tossing me a damp cloth so I can clean my bloodied hands.

A lump has formed in my gut, and my eyes are starting to burn, "That's sweet, but I need a break. See ya later, Zsasz."

He watches me walk up the basement stairs, but I don't see the brief flash of concern wash over his countenance.


Needing a break from everything, I search for a spot of respite. The fresh air cools my heated skin and refreshes me. I make my way to a grassy area and sit with my back against a tree.

Placing my head in my hands, I release the tears that have been bottled inside for so long. They trail down my skin and leave behind streaks of salty water. 

What kind of monster have I become?

A sudden noise startles me. It sounds like quiet sobbing.

Someone else is crying by the tree. 

Cautiously, I sneak a glance behind the tree and come face to face with a bleary-eyed boy.

He has longish brown hair and a sweet, youthful face. His handsome features are somewhat marred by tears, his eyes rimmed with red.

"I-I'm sorry-" he says, moving to leave.

I reach out my hand, "No, it's okay, stay. Please."

He hesitates but then sits back down, this time in front of me. I smile comfortingly at him, "I'm Y/n."

"J-Jonathan," he replies.

"Nice to meet you, Jonathan."

He nods, still uneasy. He takes a few strands of grass in his hands and starts tearing at it. I don't think he really noticed my tail or ears. Maybe he thinks the ears are just a headband and he can't see my tail from where he's sitting.

I look away from him to glance at the cloudy sky, "I came here to get away for awhile. I see you're doing the same thing, am I right?"


"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you. . . Do you mind me asking what's wrong?"

He shakes his head.

I chuckle, "I don't know if that was a 'yes' or 'no'."

This makes him smile a bit.

"Seriously though, what's up?"

His smile fails, "I-it's a long story."

"I've got nothing else to do."

"I can't really say. . ." he explains.

I nod and smirk, "It's alright, I don't need any details. Let me guess, girl troubles?" 

He shakes his head, chuckling a bit.

"C'mon, handsome guy like you has gotta have the ladies swooning all over him."

"Not really."

"Ah, the loner type. I respect that. I used to be a loner too."

His eyes meet mine, "Can I ask, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I was crying, but then I met you and got distracted," I smirk sadly. "I came here because I'm feeling lost. I thought maybe I could rediscover myself if I got out of the house for a bit."

"I-I feel lost too," he admits, hanging his head. 

Leaning forward, I pat his shoulder, "At least we're lost together. It's better than being alone, right?"

He smiles, "Yeah, it is."

We spend around half an hour talking before it starts to get dark. I stand and stretch my tired limbs.

"Come here," I say before hugging him, "If you ever need help, here's my number. It's never too late to call, either. I don't sleep too much nowadays."

Slipping him my a piece of paper with my number on it, I notice him looking at my tail. He politely fails to comment on it.

I smile at him before walking away.


I get to Vic's house and am met with silence. He must be done with Butch for the day.

Unlocking my new phone which I recently purchased, I head into my room and dial Wayne Manor. To my surprise, Alfred answers, "Hello,Alfred Pennyworth speaking."

"Hey, Alf. I didn't know you'd be back so soon."

"We were gone for a week. Switzerland did us a world of good," his gruff voice responds.

"Hmm, that's nice. Listen, I called to tell you I'm staying at a friend's house for a while."

"You could've called sooner, I was worried sick!"

"I told you, I didn't know you'd be back so soon."

A pause of silence, "You could've come too, you know. But you left in such a hurry."

"I know, sorry about that. An old friend wanted to get together."

"An 'old friend' meaning Victor Zsasz?"

A lump forms in my throat, and my eyes flicker to Vic, who now stands in the doorway. "Maybe."

"You know how I feel about him, Y/n! He's bad news!" He yells into the phone so that I have to move it farther away from my ear.

"I know how you feel, Alfred," I reply coldly. He had made it very clear on multiple occasions how he felt. "But it's not your business anymore who I am friends with."


"Goodbye, Alfred," I say curtly before hanging up. 

Truthfully, I feel guilty, but I'm not about to admit it. 

Alfred warned me about the hitman. He said he was dangerous and I knew firsthand how dangerous he could be. I went to him anyways.

That was then, and this is now.

Now I am different.

Now I'm dangerous too.

Thanks for reading!

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By the way, who's your favourite Gotham character? 

Mine is Victor Zsasz, hands down. 

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