Chapter 2

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Liberty High

My school for 17 years, ofcourse don't include my baby years, I am now 22 and still looking as fresh as a leaf, a wet leaf from the commercial of C2.

I parked my car and walk my way to school.

4-A, I am always good in my academics, I never fail to disappoint my parents in terms of academics, unlike my brother who is more great in sports.

I walked down the hallway as I enter the room, the room is not so big and not so small, it's the medium size with 20 chairs and a chair infront that happens to be the teachers table.

"Hey!" I turn around to see who called when suddenly someone jump into me and hug me.

"I miss you!" my friend Nikki exclaimed.

We both sat down on our own seats as it was time for classes to start.

Class went smoothly even though some seems so boring.

Time has come for us to take a break, so I fixed myself and walk my way to the cafeteria.

I am with Nikki because I am more comfortable with her, she was the only one I want to go with since I don't want to mingle with others.

I only ordered hotdog and soda since I'm a bit of a diet today, don't want to get too chubby you know.

As we were about to head for a table when I suddenly bumped into someone.

My soda got spilled into my shirt and I hear someone cursed.

"Ugh!" I growled as I felt the cold liquid running down my body.

"Don't you have eyes?" I still didn't look at the one who bumped me but it seems that his a bit irritated at what had happened.

Yes... HIS! Because it sounds like a guy!

"a sincere 'sorry' would do!" I exclaimed in anger as he was about to leave.

He turned around with eyebrow elevated from its usual spot.

"Why would I?" he said in a bit of sarcastic way.

"because you bumped into me and got my soda spilled even in my shirt! Don't you know how to value food? Don't you know how much it cost?!"

I looked up seeing no one infront of me, then anger suddenly ran down my spine.

"Tsk! Such a jerk!"

"well then tell me miss, what is the value of food? What is its cost?"

I suddenly turn around by hearing his voice with his smirk.

"you think you're so good? You think you know how to value everything? You think you care?"

"dude stop it" a calm voice made both of us look at him as he suddenly walked away.

"don't think that you know it all, because you don't" he said then he continue to walk when---


A loud thump filled the cafeteria as the man infront of me stepped on the bottle of a soda and slipped himself on the floor.

Hah! Serves you right jerk!

I walked away with my tray when I suddenly bumped into a table which is I didn't saw, I let go of my tray which then spilled the hotdog into me and the tray itself fell to my head.

Hah! I'm such an idiot!

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