Chapter 10

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We were both laughing as we were talking about the embarrassment I made at school.

"Yeah and you were so helpless that time for what Akki did to you at the canteen" he said and some food came out from his mouth as he laughed so hard.

I wiped the tears that escaped from my eye.

"Oh, so you were there?" I asked him as he was cleaning himself.

"yeah, I kinda like stopped Akki, you know" he said "you didn't remember that?" he said as he put both of his hands in the direction of his heart like it was hurting.

"yeah! Like who were you back then" I laughed.

"yeah, who am I even to stop him from you" he said as he put on a sad smile.

"Is that how you act?" his lips curved and looked at me.

"Is that how you think I act?" and we both laughed.

"seems like you two got along so well huh?" a sudden voice made us stop from laughing.

We both looked at who it is and it was Nikki and Akki smiling from ear to ear.

"hate to interrupt but Andrea it's night and Shawn called me, they are looking for you, they can't contact you" she said and that made me looked for my phone who is now shut down.

"Oh no!" I exclaimed.

"I'm going to drive them home, wanna come?" Akki asked him and he smiled.

"I'm okay dude, gotta buy some stuffs for Pillow" he looked at Pillow who is now sitting.

"Oh! You got a dog!" Nikki exclaimed.

"Anyways, let's go?" she asked and I stood up and followed them.

"don't worry, Pillow's going to be with you tomorrow" he said as he smiled.

I waved him goodbye and also Pillow, then followed Nikki and Akki.


Kairo's POV

She waved as she followed the two outside the mall. I opened my phone and it was really night, we forgot because we were so having fun.

I looked at Pillow and he was also looking back at me. I sighed.

"come on Pillow, let's go home" I held his lace as we went out to the parking lot and drived home.

Actually I have stuffs for dogs and I just don't wanna join them you know. I am still a no one.

As I opened the main door, the first thing I saw was the two faces of my twin brothers, Jean-Clyde and Jean-Paul.

"Hey bro! Bro Akki told us you had a date!" Jean-Clyde asked, "with whom?" Jean-Paul asked.

And they both showed me their phones with me and Andrea sitting on a table and laughing.

"Where'd you get that?" I asked as I took one of their phone and looked closely.

"from a thing called source" Jean-Paul said seriously.

"Anyways, what's her name? Is she beautiful?" Jean-Clyde asked.

"She's perfect" I said out of the blue.

"I thought you said there's no such thing as perfect" they both said in unison with both emphasizing the word perfect.

I sighed, "I can't explain furthermore" I said and walk pass them with Pillow following me.

"Dream big bro!" I heard them shouted and I just laughed at their foolishness.

I lay down and buried my face in the pillow, thinking of the things we did earlier.

But not long after, I fell asleep.

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