Final Chapter

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Andrea's POV

I was running down the crowded hallway of the hospital, desperate in coming through.

"Tonight became stage 4, and he won't last seconds in there without you"

Nikki's words woke me up and made me run in this hallway, I gotta see him. I have to see him.

I arrived infront of his door and I saw Akki, Jean-Clyde and Jean-Paul and his parents sitting outside, crying.

"He's in a good condition right now but we're still monitoring him" the doctore said as he faced Kairo's family.

"He wants to see his parents" the nurse said and they left. Kairo's mother and her husband stood up and went inside.

Few moments passed, they both got out with teary eyes, then they both looked at me.

"He wants you dear" her mother said as she held my hands.

"Now now Christine , calm down" Kairo's dad said as he assisted her to sit down, he then tapped my shoulder and smiled.

"You go now dear" he said as he comforted his wife.

I was holding back my tears as I entered the room. I saw him lying there, I walked closer to see his pale face smiling at me.

Seeing him like this really broke me, I thought his rejection was the most worst and hurtful things that would happened to me, this was the worst. Seeing him like this.

"W-why didn't you say?" I asked.

"I-if you had told me, I w-would be ready for it" I gulped as I was trying to hold it in.

He smiled.

And that smile, that smile made me broke into tears.

"I--" he was trying to speak.

"I'm s-sorry" his voice cracked as he said those words.

I nodded. "Just please be well, please be strong, for your family, for me" I said as I held his hand.

He smiled as tears ran down his eyes, I wiped them but there's still more running down.

I could hear his heavy breathing as he tightened his grip.

"I" he looked at me with hurted eyes.

"I love you" he said.

Then slowly he closed his eyes, slowly he realeses my hand, slowly it ripped my heart.

The machine beside him became straight line and the never ending 'toot' covers the silence of the room.

Tears were now brimming my face as doctors were now rushing inside giving him medications.

Someone pulled me outside and that's when our hands disunite with each other.

I was crying for hours as we are waiting for the doctors.

Not long after, the door opened. I took a peek and saw the white cloth covering his whole built. And that's when tears brimmed up my face again.

"Kairo Valentino, time of death, 10:32 PM"


What is love?

Love is like an emotion, it could easily change still one remain.

Love is like a war, where you wouldn't know if you win or not.

Love is like my life, wonderful and hopeful but filled with obstacles and hardships to go through.

Love is like a portal, where once you stepped in, you lose yourself.

He showed me how to love.
Yet he never made me feel to be loved.

And I never gets to experience the feeling of being loved.

Being loved by him.
Until I couldn't have it.
I couldn't feel it.

I said before I will never love, yet I found you. I found you yet you left me.

How can I love if you're not here? How can I make my happy ending if I don't have you?

You were the sun that made me bloom with your rays. You were the rain that kept me alive. Yet you were the storm that broke me down.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I wish you could meet me too

His first message, his message that made him attractive, made me curious about him.

Your rejection didn't matter to me, what I was afraid of that day was you not loving me.

I love you, even if it's late. I love you even if you're not here with me.

I love you.

The moon and stars and the sun witnesses our love. The wind was our judge and the trees, seas and land was our people. And together let's make our happily ever after.

Roses were red
Violets were blue
You were mine and it was suppose to be true

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