Chapter 19

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Akki's POV

I knocked the door as I suddenly heard a crash.

Jean-Paul texted me and they both explained what happened, they didn't know because they said he never gave a word after he came home days before.

But I think I knew...

I called Nikki and she said that Andrea is locking up in her room, not eating nor communicating.

I have an idea but I don't really know what happened.

"Dude, this is me" I said but no one replied. A sudden crash was heard from inside that made me frustrated, the twins were knocking on the door as they were shouting his name.

I moved them away and I used all my strength to hit the door, but nothing seems to happen.

"Wait!" Jean-Clyde walked closer to the door and turned the knob.

"It's opened" he said as he widely opened the door, I hit him in the head.

"My arm hurts you idiot" I said.

"Jean-Paul was the one who started knocking without knowing it was opened" he pointed at his twin.

"I'm just a caring brother here" Jean-Paul commented.

I entered the room, it was dark. I opened the light and was surprised to see shattered glass on the floor.

I roamed my eyes to look for him and I saw him kneeling down on the floor while head is down.

I walked close to him and held his shoulder, he was trembling!

I looked at him and my eyes widened in shock as I saw blood coming from his nose in his pale face, with his red eyes and sad smile.

We brought him to the hospital and waited outside for his result.

I couldn't stop myself from trembling as tears escaped my eye, I wiped it off as I was silently praying for his safety.

Nikki's POV

I was really surprise to see Jean-Paul's message.

He said it came back! His illness came back!

I was panicking and I don't know what to do, should I tell her or not? I don't want her to feel this way and yet I want her to not know about it, but still...  She needs to.

I opened the door and I saw her in a corner looking at nowhere hugging her knees.

I walked closer to her as I couldn't stop myself from crying.

"You know what? I never knew love is like this, I never knew I could love like this" she suddenly said out of the blue.

"But you still love him right?" I cautiously asked.

"What's the point of saying yes when he wants no?"

"Then you don't want to see him in a coffin now right?" she slowly lifts her head and looked at me.

"Why are you crying?" she asked.

"You know what? Before we became friends, I first became friends with Akki and Kairo. And I have known Kairo for too long"

"Kairo loves you" I swallowed the lump in my throat as I wiped off my tears.

"And he doesn't mean to hurt you, he just don't want to hurt you"

"It doesn't make any sense, he don't want me to get hurt yet he hurted me" she said, and her voice was close to becoming lifeless.

"Because it's the only way he knew you'd be safe" I held her hand.

"Tonight his brother called me, he said they brought him to the hospital because he was trembling and his nose was bleeding" my tears won't stop from falling as I tell her those words.

"He was just 9 years old when he was diagnosed with Myeloma, and when he got 18, he was yet been diagnosed with blood cancer stage 3. Doctors gave him deadlines that he won't last 4 years. And tonight..." I was gasping for air as I continue talking.

"Tonight became stage 4, and he won't last seconds in there without you"

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