Chapter 12

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Since it is my day to take care of Pillow, I fixed myself and also him. We are going on a road trip together.

"Come on Pillow, what's the point of being here when were not having fun?" I said as we walk outside the door.

"hey! I am also here!" Shawn said in excitement. He was the one who insist to come, and besides, we could use a driver though.

"there goes you with your mind again" I heard him said as he started the car.

Well, he always knew where and when I use my thoughts, it's a bit creepy though.

"where are we going maam?" he said in a playful tone.

I laughed, "lets go to the mall first sir" he then started driving.


Before we went to the mall, we first brought Pillow in a vet.

After giving vaccines and check ups, we then went to have fun.

"so! Where are we going?" he said in excitement.. Again.

"Why don't you ask Pillow?" I said as I looked back at Pillow in the backseat.

"I don't get why people talks to animals nowadays" he sighed.

"because animals are living things, and they can understand" I said.

"so I can talk to trees? Besides, they are living things you know" he then laughed at his own joke.

"and besides, it's a dog, a dog's a man's Bestfriend"

"are you a man?" he smirked.

"I'm a woMAN!" and then we both laughed for I don't know why.

The stupidity of my brother is the stupidity of mine too, we're like twins.

After stopping by the mall, we then felt hungry and we went to a resto call Rest-O-Runt.

The last place we went to was the park, we were both walking while I was holding Pillows lace as he ran over.

I saw a familiar face, his face, he was walking and laughing with.. Another girl.

I was about to look back when Shawn held my head and made me look at them.

"that's his cousin, now don't you dare cry" he said that made my eyebrows creased.

They saw us and walked towards us.

"Oh what a coincidence it is!" my brother showed his polite yet annoying smile.

"Yeah" he said and then looked at me.

"oh by the way" he then held the girl's hand and made her looked at us.

"This is my Angel, it was her birthday so I went to celebrate it with her" he smiled as he looked at me.

Then the girl looked at me with judging eyes. And then smiled.

"Oh hi! So you're this Andrea that I heard so much about" her smile looks fake and she then lend me her hand.

"I'm Angel, one of the most beautiful angel this world could have. If it wasn't for me this world is nothing" she then rolled her eyes.

"really? Are you God?" I smirked and lift one of my brow.

"I am more than God" she answered.

"You're a hypocrite" I said as I looked at her in disgust.

After some silence, we both then laughed at each other.

"Never gets old" Angel said as she hugged me.

"I missed you too" I answered.

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