Chapter 4

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"Sweetie, you're home early" mom greeted me with a warm hug and a kiss on the forehead. I really love my mom, she is always sweet and kind.

My head almost hit the floor when she suddenly hit me on the head.

"Hey! What was that for?" I shouted while holding my nape that has been hit.

"That's for coming home early!" she said calmly and walked away.

What the?!

I sighed and climb up my room, while walking towards it, I noticed that it was half open so I hurriedly walked towards it.

Before I could even open it, it suddenly open and came out my brother.

My eyes formed into slit as I was studying his whole built.

He is not so tall, not so small, a medium size would do, he has blue round wide eyes. I know he is handsome but I am more beautiful.

He has this panic reaction that he does when he is doing something secretly from me and I was about to find it out.

"Shawn! What are you doing in my room?!" He was surprise by my sudden shout.

"I-- Nothing! Nothing at all!" He said and I could see some sweat running down his face.

"Just a little something for someone" He tapped me at my shoulder and walked away, but I could still hear him snoring.

What kind of preposterous things did he do now?

I went inside my room and noticed that things were at its rightful place.

I just shrug my shoulder and went to the bathroom to freshened up.

After changing my clothes I heard a sudden beep as I took my phone.

It was my friend, Nikki.

Guess what? I've done something soooo incredible this time!!

What now?

Just wait :)

What is she up to this time now? I can still recall the day that she made me meet a guy saying it might be the one for me! But No! I already rejected him and the feeling was mutual.

A sudden knock made me got out from my reverie.

"supper is ready! Idiot!" Shawn shouted from outside my door.

"Yeah whatever!" I shouted back.


I looked at my phone and there was another message.

Naaah! I'm hungry! Who cares about the message?

I went down to dine with them. They were all settling down and I joined in.

"So how's school today?" I heard my father asked.

"Uhm mine is good, as usual, school days" Shawn said.

"How about you?" they were all looking at me, I swallowed my food and was about to say something when--

"oh maybe she made another shameful memories" he laughed, "you know, she's always good in that!" he added.

They all laughed as I pouted and continued my dinner.

After dinner I ran upwards to my room.

After I locked my door, I saw my phone at the bed, and then I remember something..

I took my phone and opened the message I received a while ago.

It was an unknown number, my eyebrows crease because I haven't given my number to much people, only the ones I know.

I opened it and read the message.

Unknown number:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I wish someday, you'll meet me too

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