Chapter 11

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Andrea's POV

I woke up at 6, after freshening up, I went out to do my weekend habit, exercising.

I jogged the whole street, I never gets easily tired so it's okay for me, I could even jog the country.

I walked for a while to rest cause I've run for about an hour.

While walking, I heard a bark of a dog and a guy talking to it.

"What is it Pillow?" Pillow? Just like the name of our dog.

I turned left and that's when I saw him.

I saw him walking while holding the lace of the dog... Pillow.

Pillow looked at me and barked, I smiled and walk towards them.

He suddenly looked at me and was more surprised than me.

"Oh! You're here!" he said in a way of panicking or excitement? I don't know.

"yeah I live here" I said as I wiped off my sweat.

"R-Really?!" he asked like he didn't believed me.

"Why would I exercise here if I know myself that I don't live here".

"where's your house?" he then started walking because Pillow started running.

"A little more further there" I said as we walked on the path I've walked before.

"I lived in this street too" he said in a low voice.

"really? What a coincidence" I said as I smiled.

"I was just looking for a way on how I could give you Pillow, that's why we walked down the street here and then.. We found you".

"aww, I did miss Pillow here" I said as I lean down to scratch his head.

"ouch!" I heard him said in a very low voice but I was able to hear it.

"what happened to you?" I straightened myself as I looked at him.

A moment of silence covered the space between us. He was only looking at me while I am looking back.

For a moment there, I thought I was drowning in his deep blue eyes, it was like the sea, an endless sea where you can't do anything but swim. But instead of swimming, I found myself drowning, sinking and I couldn't stop, I couldn't swim back because the current is too strong.

It was like I was in a wild forest and I was following the path to my success. But then the wind blew my path away, it made me lost in a space I can't call mine.

I was like in a maze, one exit one entrance, the only thing I need to do there is to find my way out, find the exit. But instead of finding the exit, I found the entrance where I shouldn't enter.

I found myself breaking up this wall that I made for protection, I found myself being reliant enough to him. Another friend wouldn't hurt right? Atleast it's just friends, no more, no less.

As I was drowning in my thoughts, I suddenly tripped and the first to fall was my face.

I heard a laugh, ugh!

"clumsy" I heard him say.

I cleaned myself as I stood up. He smiled and cleared his throat, then he looked at his watch.

"Oh my! Is that the time?" he said and then looked at me, "I think I gotta go, got important stuffs to do".

He then lend me Pillow, and walked back.

"oh! By the way" he turned back and lend me his hands again.

"I didn't introduce myself well"

"My name's Kairo, Kairo Valentino"

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