Chapter 14

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I was observing the picture until I saw something.

In the hospital bed, there was this card where a name was put in there.

Patients name:
Kairo Valentino

That's the only thing I saw, they were covering it that I didn't saw his illness.

So he's been admitted before, I wonder what's his illness.

After some stalking time, I accepted him. A new chat suddenly appeared.

Kairo Valentino
You are now connected on Facebook


For what?

Accepting me

That's normal

What are you going to do today?

I don't kinda know

Wanna go out?

Is that a date?

Is that how you think of a date?

Iaughed at him, someday, I will get to beat him in this word battle. I put my phone down but then it suddenly ring.

So? You coming or not?
Weather's so cold here outside you know.

My eyes widened as I read his last message, I hurriedly went to the window and saw him outside, leaning on a blue Subaru looking at his phone.

My phone rang.

"How long have you been there? " I asked him directly.

"Not long enough"

"aren't you worried you'd get sick?"

"not quite"

"still! It hurts when you get sick you know"

"if you're really worried for me, why don't you just come?"

Out of frustration I ended the call and picked up my jacket.

I got out of the house and went to him, he's still in his position but now, he's looking at me with a smile on his face.

"So what's your plan?" I asked as I am now infront of him.

"to lure you out from your house?" he said with a smirk.

"That's it?" I put my 'I dont care yet disappointed' face.

"naaah just kidding" he said, smoke is now coming out from his mouth as he talk.

"it's cold, let's go?" he opened the door to the passengers seat and made me go inside first, then he walk around to the other side of the car and got inside the drivers seat.

"so, where are we going?" I asked as I put on my seatbelt.

"to a place called peace" he answered and he started the car and drove away.

After a not long enough drive, we arrived at a cliff-sight seeing. The ambiance were very nice and the weather was very cold. Good thing I brought my jacket.

"what is this place?" I asked as I roam my eyes around it.

"it's called, my paradise, If I am bored I always see myself sitting here, relaxing and--" he wasn't able to finish his sentence when something hit his head.

I laughed as he held his forehead that had been hit. I walk closer to him and saw a pine fell, that's why.

The wind got stronger and colder. I looked up and saw something...

It was falling down like a mere dust, I lend my hand to catch it. It's snowing.

Then bit by bit, many of them fell down, I was smiling and was so happy to be here.

"This is the first most beautiful time I had to experience snowing"

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