Chapter 6

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Andrea Nicole's POV

Prince of darkness:
For you

I suddenly felt something that I couldn't explain so I just shut my phone and went to sleep.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling for I don't know why, I bit my lip to calm myself.

I don't know who's this prince of darkness but I'm pretty sure I know him, pretty weird right?

I know I have trust issues, this is how I see on whom to trust and can't be trusted.

I still have doubts in this prince but I'm pretty sure he won't have my number and text me if he doesn't knew me.

Wait! He said 'I wish you'll meet me too' so that means he really knew me? He met me? When? Where? How come I can't recall anything.

Kairo, that's what appears to be his name, doesn't ring a bell though.

After a long thinking, I realized that it was morning and I did not slept well.

I was so frustrated after seeing dark circles under my eyes.

I went to school looking like a witch, dark circlea under eyes, unrest eyes and messed hair.

"What happened to you?" Nikki greeted me with a questioning look and a mocking smile.

"There's this some weird guy who texted for almost like the whole night" I exclaimed in frustration.

She smirked. My eyebrows creased.

"What's with that?" I asked while pointing at her lips.

"oh it's nothing" she said while laughing.

"somethings weird going on here" I complained.

"your face is weird enough" she laughed so hard.

"Anyways, can you come with me to the movies this weekend? Akki and I are going on a date!" she exclaimed happily and excited.

"what am I gonna do there? Be the third party?" I sarcastically said.

"you're gonna watch out for me, besides, Akki have this friend who seems to be alone"

"and why do I care about his friend?" I crossed my arms.

"nothing! Nothing at all" she said.

"come on, you're my friend! You've always been there every date we had, you're our guardian you know" she said with arms clasped to each other.

I rolled my eyes, there's no point of arguing with her if I'm going to lose anyway.

"Fine! I'll see!" I just said for her to shut up.

"let's go?" she said while looking at her watch.

"we're a bit late for Calculus" she said and that made my eyes widened in shock as we both ran our way to class.

"why are you late?" our teacher, Sir Balabul greeted us with brows creased.

"You know what I hate amongst students?" he added his question.

"now answer this on the board! You two!"

After the never ending solutions, we finally got to sit and enjoy the life of relaxation.

Lunch came and I head my way to the cafeteria, Nikki will be with Akki for now as to what she said.

Not that I'm bitter about it but it's just that, people will truly put their emotion at stake for the sake of love.

What is the importance of love anyway?

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