Chapter 1

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I always believe in the saying that "Kitrowan amigo, trowan trezor" means once who find a friend, finds a treasure.

Yeah, it's a bit true, but it seldom happens to people nowadays, finding a friend isn't that hard, but choosing the real one is what is hard.

I, myself is too picky when choosing a friend, who knows? Maybe I'll find the true one but in the meantime, I am being cautious not to tell everyone much more about me, I have trust issues, nothing and no one could ever please me in just a blink.

Being a true friend? Well, just be cautious in every actions you do, don't just spit your tongue letting out uncertain things that could break your friendship.

Building a wall is one of the most greatest defense you'll make in order for your emotions to be confined.

Ps: Emotions are magic, they change in just a blink.

Signing off,
Andrea Ingres

I closed my journal and kept it inside my drawer, I love to write my feelings in my journal that it became a hobby of mine to write everyday.

I stood up and fixed my things as I was about to get ready for bed. A sudden beep alarmed from my phone as it was a message.

I prostrated at my bed and took my phone reading the message...

Hey babe!

I laughed at the stupidity of my friend, Nikki, we were friends since we were kids that we became reliant at each other now.

I suddenly felt the sleepy-feeling and slowly closed my eyes, as I was slowly drowning in my own dreams.

Morning came, I am now awake getting myself ready to go to school.

I am now a graduating student at Liberty High here in London.

Being a college student is the very hardest part in schooling, you can't eat well, sleep well, rest well, and be well. I picked the degree of Engineering because I really want to be an engineer someday, but yet it is really hard.

But I am still thankful to God that I have reached the last zone of my trial to graduate.

Oh how I wish people would open up their mind and think logical enough for them to realize what is the worth of Education.

I pick up my bag and went downstairs to get ready for school.

As I was climbing down, I heard noises coming from the kitchen, sounds of laughters and I don't know.

I saw my brother and my parents laughing while eating breakfast.

"oh hey sweetie come and take your breakfast" mother asked and lend me a seat beside her.

"No thanks mom, gotta go got a lot of things to do you know" I smiled as I put on my shoes.

"well then be careful on your way!" mom shouted from the kitchen.

I opened the garage and started my car as I drove my way to school.

Liberty High was my school since I was in elementary, it was an all in all school from elementary to college, although there's a barrier to keep students away from other buildings, specially those in kindergartens.

Not soon enough I arrived at my destination.

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