• 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 • [Inosuke Hashibira]

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It was a quiet afternoon. I was sitting on a cloth in the middle of my garden drinking some tea while gazing at the flowers and the clear blue sky.

I was a hashira back then, but I retired when I lost my eye. I don't want to be a burden to them so I quit. Mitsuri disliked that idea so she's still insisting me to come back since I still have a room there.

But you know what? This quiet life is more relaxing.. no fights, no deaths just a peaceful life.

After I drank my tea I ate my takoyaki that was beside me. I indulged it's taste everytime I ate it.. ahh so delicious~ when I was going to eat the last piece.. oh dear

"(Y/NNNNNNN)!!!" There was a man with his boar's head on running towards me.


He didn't listen so he jumped real high with his arms wide open. Then BAM!! He plopped on me with his arms around me to reduce the impact of my back

"Oww" I groaned while touching the back of my head.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n!)!!" He said while his hoar's head touching my forehead

"What?" I said in monotone which causes him to flinch

"Uh, sorry first?" He said

"What if you remove that boar of yours?" I replied. He nodded and removed his boar's head revealing the beautiful faced man Inosuke.

"Sorry?" Inosuke repeated and I sighed as I signaled him to get off me but he declined.

"Then what? Why are you so giddy all of the sudden?" I asked then he flashed a smile

"I deafeted Monjibo hah! How's that? Kneel to the great Inosuke-sama" he put his arms on his sides as he let out a laugh

"What seriously?" I was shoked at his news then he continously nodded. I just let out a smirk then he noticed which causing him to stop nodding.

"What?? Are you challenging the great Inosuke-sama?!" He said and he suddenly touched my nose

"W-What? Why did you do that?!" My face got heated up and he smiled for his reply.

"What if I said yes? That I would love to challenge Inosuke-sama! "I flashed a grin "But oh look! Looks like he's not willing to take my challenge " I added

He suddenly get off me and crossed his arms

"Me? Declining your challenge? Oh no, you're on (y/n)!" He smirked then I gulped as I stood up.

Actually, Inosuke is now a Hashira which holds the title of Boar Hashira. He replaced the seat of Tengen so yeah, pretty not convincing right? Also, he sometimes wear uniforms now when having a meeting. Weird right?

"Hold up right there!" I said and dashed right away to my house and to my room. I changed my kimono into my demon hunter uniform and grabbed my sword beside it.

"Okay! Ready!" I went outside then Inosuke stared at me for a while. Scanning me from top to bottom which causes me to get embarrassed.

"You done?" I said and look at the side to avoid his eyes.

"U-Uh.. Hell yes! Let's go ! " he yelled and went to his fighting stance and so was I.

I took a deep breath before we started.

"Breath of Blood, seventh style- Pool of Blood " I pieced my sword into the ground then blood came out of my sword surrounding Inosuke. In a split second the blood changed it's shape into some solid spiky things coming towards Inosuke.

"Breath of the Beast, fifth fang- Mad Cleave" he sliced all of those on his surroundings causing into bits.

"Not bad" I smirked and grab my sword then raised my sword

"Breath of Blood, eighth style- Blood Shower" all of the sudden, the sky become red then it started to rain of blood. Those blood are acids that went you touch it you would feel like your skin is burning.

"Ow! Ow!" Inosuke said as he do his best to avoid those.

"Now you did it" then he positioned himself, his right foot was forward and his left was behind of it.

"Breath of the Beast, eighth fang- Pig Assault!!" He dashed towards me not even paying attention to the pain that he's been experiencing.

"WAITT!" I yelled and I defend myself by lowering my sword and guard myself.

He attacked my sword and sent it flying. I put both of my arms in front of me to somehow guard me but he also threw his swords and opened his arms as he gave me a hug.

"You lose, (y/n)" he whispered on my ear then the sky is clear again. He nuzzled his face on my neck as he smiled

"L-Let go!! Let go!" My face got heated up and lightly punching his back to let go but he didn't listened.

"No, it's my reward for defeating you" he said. His voice are vibrating on my neck which causing me to heat up more.

"W-We are not done, yet" I replied then he lifted his face looking at my face not breaking the hug.

"Nope we are done and I defeated you" he planted a kiss on my cheek and flash a smile

"Fuck you" I pouted

"How did you know that I wanted to?" He smirked then that was it, it feels like my face are red as a tomato right now.

"But of course not now... maybe next time" he winked at me

"Just shut up"

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