• 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 • [Agatsuma Zenitsu]

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This was requested by Rinintzu, I apologize because it is delayed so yeah.. I hope you'll like it.

"O-Oi! Don't just sulk there. Move! " a kid yelled while her arms crossed "Ojii-san will be mad again you know!"

"B-But.. it's scary ! I don't wanna die!!" The yellow-haired boy cried while hugging his both knees and covering his face

"Mou.. when will you stop that nonsense thinking of yours, Zenitsu?" The girl pouted and then Zenitsu slightly lifted his head up.

"Then how about we change places, ne (y/n)-chan!" Zenitsu eyes sparkled while wiping his tears off his face

"You'll not gonna fool me this time " you huffed then Zenitsu continued to cry again

"(Y/n)-chan's angry at me again! She's mad again" Zenitsu repeated. You sighed in disbelief then sat beside him and put your hands on his head

"I'm not mad at you.." you ruffled his hair then he slowly lifted his head up

"I-Is that true?" He said between sobs, you nodded in response

"But.." you replied

"But?" He asked in confusion

"I HATE THAT THINKING OF YOURS! IT ALSO MAKES ME INVOLVED" you stood up and pointed to the miserable pikachu who was so shocked that you are start yelling at him. Beads of tears starting to form on the corner of his eyes

"YOU ARE MAD!" Zenitsu quickly stood up and ran outside the small house that the three of you shared.

You were abandoned or more like nowhere place to go. Your mother died because of cold that the villagers couldn't care less, and well your father, you don't even know where your father is let alone his face or even name. He abandoned you when you were just a baby.

After your mother died, you wandered to where your foot could lead you until you bumped to the former lightning hashira, Jigoro Kuwajima.

He took you in and treated you as his own daughter, well like Zenitsu. Now, you stood up like a big sister to Zenitsu even though you're younger than him.

"W-Wait ! Zenitsu" you tried to stopped but sadly you couldn't. "Acha.. what am I going to do now? Ojii-san will get mad at me also for treating Zenitsu like that" then a sudden flashback of you where Jigoro continously lectures you to have a longer patience to Zenitsu that lasted.. well, almost two days. It sure brings back memories as you felt shivers from your spine.

"I really should make up with that dimwit" you murmured and walked to a place where peaches grows. You picked a few then you carried those with your both arms not letting it to fall.

"ZENITSU! ZENITSU!" you called everywhere you could think where he be "I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME! ZENITSU" you loked around until you saw him on a tree, he is hugging it with all of his might

"I see you , Zenitsu" you let out your devilishly smile and looked at him. Zenitsu looked at you and then he gripped the tree even more

"THAT SMILE! NO NO NO!" He started to cry once again then you sighed in disbelief

"Just kidding" You let down the peaches to the ground and leaned on the tree  "So.. how long would you last long there?" You asked

"A THOUSAND YEARS! EVEN MORE AS LONG AS I DON'T GO NEAR YOU" he shouted and that sure makes an impact to your heart

"Then how about I give you some peaches?" You grabbed one and presented a peach to him

"No, don't want it" he declined then faced the other way

"Hmm.. this sure is troublesome " you thought and planned another way for you to made up.

"Ne, Zenitsu" you called once again

"What is it, you dangerous woman?" He replied

"How about I do this.. I'll give you all the peaches plus a hug from me that you always longed for" you presented your arms opened wide while smiling genuinely to him

Zenitsu was shocked to what you've said. He also makes a move to hug but he also failed and you will always be mad if he did that so he eventually stopped. And now, now that he isn't even thinking to hug you, you insisted to let him hug you.

"You sure? Maybe you'll get mad afterwards" he softly asked then starting to loose his grip on the tree

"I'm certain Zenitsu so come here" you let your open arms go high signaling to hug you "come on, before I change my mind"

He let go his grip completely to the tree and preparing to jump. You backed off a little then he finally came down the tree. He just stood there while looking down to his feet.

"Aw, come here you" you initiated to hug him and envelope him on your arms completely. You placed your hand on his haid and ruffled it once again.

"Sorry?" You apologized and keep ruffling his hair until he lifted his head looking directly to your eyes. In that moment, the world stops, the time stopped. Everything was like slow motion on your surroundings and only focusing to the yellow-haired boy. The moment your eyes blinked, that was time that your heart suddenly sparked until it started to pound heavily.

The image you saw right now, isn't the Zenitsu you always saw.. he was more cuter than you could ever expected with his ruffled hair of his and his blushing face of his, that sure makes your heart turns on.

"Sorry..(y/n)-chan, that I'm always like this" he said softly . You couldn't react quickly you were lost on words. Your vision was focused to the face he's doing at that right exact moment.

"U-Uh.. (y/n)-chan?" He called and you suddenly  jolted

"Ah-HMM! I-I understand " you let out an akward laugh then you break the hug between you too "the time limit of the hug is over! So! Let's eat?" You grabbed the peaches that was laying on the ground and gave one to him.

While the two of you ate peaches together, you wandered your eyes to something else so that you could remove the vision of Zenitsu who was cute at the specific point of time but sadly, you can't stop visualizing it.

And you thought that spark might be erased on your head for just a few weeks even months or years... but no improvements happened, even today.

"(Y/NNNN)-CHAAN!" A teenaged Zenitsu suddenly running to you, more like chasing you around circles.

"IYAHH! DON'T COME NEAR ME!" you yelled but even though you said those words, you don't even mean it because that spark never erased in your heart

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