• 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐨 • [Tanjiro Kamado]

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This was requested by ModestRune. I hope you'll like it ~ I didn't make it bloody.. sorry!

Sorry if it's delayed. I can't seem to find any motivation to write something, so I took my time to relax and think.

"(Y/n)-san! (Y/n)-san! Please hold on a little longer"

Someone called shaking your whole body. You tiredly opened your eyes only to see the familiar checkered haori.

He was running down the mountain, and you were on his back. Of course, his sister would be infront of him.

"Ugh.." you grunted. You felt a liquid streaming down your forehead, you lift your arm and touched it with your fingers only to see the most unlikely color to see on your body. It's your blood

"T-Tanjiro?" You weakly said which made the demon slayer go faster.

"Ah! Don't speak too much you'll get tired. " he said in concern while he tightened his grip on your thighs

"I'm kind of tired T-Tanjiro-kun.. wouldn't you mind if I-I take a nap? " you asked as your eyelids starting to get all droopy

"Don't go to the light (y/n)-san.. please don't go" Tanjiro begged

Who wouldn't thought that one of the strongest Kanoe-ranked would be defeated like this?


"MITSURI ! I'M GOING TO HEAD OUT" A woman came out from a women's bath. Her (h/c) locks of hair were tied with a towel. She was wearing her favorite (color) kimono.

"Eh?! (Y/n) Wait up!" the love-hashira, Mitsuri Kanroji yelled while she was fixing her things to catch up

"I'm going to take the mission that everybody seems to be talking about lately! " you yelled back while running towards the house of the love-pillar's family.

"Excuse me~" you slowly opened the screen to search for any people inside, but it hasn't any so you just let yourself in and went to where Mitsuri and you shared.

You hurriedly stripped your clothes off and changed it into your demon hunter's uniform, along with your sakura- themed haori. Lastly, you putted on your Tabi and Zori sandals on and grabbed your Nichirin blade.

Just when you are about to head out for your assigned mission, Mitsuri was just in time to stop you.

"(Y/n)!" She said "You aren't even allowed to go on mission yet! Your wounds haven't fully healed. You can't even grip your sword tightly!" She pointed to bandages around your waist and even your hand was covered in bandages.

"I can hold a sword" you unsheathed your sword and hold it. "See?" You said but Mitsuri slapped your hand which causes you to let go of it.

"A-Ow! What was that for?" You looked at her as your caressed your hand

"See! You can't even endure the pain. I refuse (y/n)-chan! Don't go" she crossed her arms to block your way but you are somehow faster than the love pillar, so you easily went out on that situation

"W-Wha-- go back here (y/n)!" She called but you didn't listened. All you did was following your crow to the destination.

When you were following the crow, you suddenly saw your fellow Kanoe-ranked demon hunter. It was Kamado Tanjiro with his friends the boar-head one and the yellow pikachu. You didn't even care to know their names, all you care is the burgundy-haired boy.

"Eek" you hid behind a post, only to hide to the three of them. Why you asked? Well whenever Tanjiro see you, your body will get stiff and words can't even escape your mouth.

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