• 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 • [Muichiro Tokito]

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This was requested by Killer_Aki. I hope you'll like it! This was a hard one..honestly
I was sight seeing our village to the highest place where I could see it whole. Looking at the people around and seeing the children's play. We finally obtain peace, though temporarily.

"Caw! Caw! A new mission! A new mission" my crow suddenly appeared out of nowhere while gliding down to where I am. It rested on the top of my head as he keeps repeating the same words.

"To the Mount Hotadake! Demons! Demons! Caw!" He announced

"Yes finally" I took a deep breath before I headed down where my house is.

I entered and started to wear my uniform and gears. Lastly, I grabbed my Nichirin Blade. After that, I locked my house then I saw Muichiro beside me.

"Wah! You scared me!" I said as I put my hand on my heart which was pounding rapidly due to the reaction.

"You're going ?" Muichiro asked as he pointed out my uniform

Well, Muichiro as a boyfriend is quite fun. He is cute to hangout with and also the way he express his feelings is unique. Muichiro is a boyfriend that all I need, but there is one flaw.

He dislikes it when I went out to a mission.

Whenever my crow gave me missions, he is willing to take that mission instead of me resulting that I can't rank up. I tried several times to convince him that I'm strong enough to fight demons. Afterall I'm a demon hunter.

But he didn't listen to all of that, so this time I'm going to sneak out to fullfill my duty. But here we are, I'm busted.

"Well.. I-uh" I placed my hand on my neck as I begun to think of a reason to go.

We gone silent, then he finally spoke up

"You're going to a mission, aren't you?"

"Wah?! No!!" I denied "I am going for a shopping! Haha" my body was forming beads out sweat.

"Pfft, you really are a bad at lying " he chukled

Also, Muichiro started to reveal his feelings more often ever since he's new sword was forged. I found this quite amusing, don't you think?

"Alright-alright you can go " after those words escaped his lips, my heart leaped out of joy

"Yes! Thank you" I hurriedly gave him a hug

He placed his arms around my waist and we got closer.

"Be careful, alright?" He said and buried his face on my neck

"You got it!" I let out some small laughs since he was so adorable when he was concerned. I let go of him and after that he placed a kiss on my forehead then he smiled

"Then.. see you later" he said. I nodded and went to my merry way

Actually, I was not the only one to this mission. There were also some demon hunters that was assigned to this mission.

When I was walking through the streets of I don't where. I saw a similar demon hunter uniforms while covering it with their haori. Well except for the other one since he's top less.

"Tanjirooo, they said that it's dangerous to that place" a yellow haired man wearing a yellow and fading orange haori with small triangles imprinted to it. He was groveling to the ground with it's hands attached to a man with a checkered haori that also has a suspicious box on his back.

"But Zenitsu we are tasked to do it" the checkered boy said as he keeps walking

Then there is a boar's hat wearing man head butting all the poles that he sees. Like is there something wrong on his head?

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