• 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 • [Tanjiro Kamado]

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It was evening. You were still in your futon not moving even an inch. The moonlight was your only source of light for you to see.

You gazed at your ceiling as your mind drifted away, thinking how is your demon hunter boyfriend.

You didn't see Tanjiro in a week which made you worried sick. They said that it was a dangerous job, which the group of three accepted.

You insisted to come, but they decline since you just got back from your previous mission which makes your whole body sore. Even you have your body aching like hell, you didn't mind afterall their lives were at stake. You kept on struggling to stand with your wobbly legs.

Inosuke didn't want to see you struggling like that since you were like his idol or senpai, so Inosuke knocked you out.

"Ah! (Y/n)!" Tanjiro said worriedly when your body was dropping. Expecting to feel the cold floor but instead you felt strong arms around you preventing you from dropping.

"You don't have to do that!" Tanjiro said while he slowly let you go.

"(Y/n)-chan? (Y/n-)" right at the monent your vision blacked out, leaving you unconscious.

When you woke up, you were on a futon with Kanao beside you. Kanao got all worried and didn't leave your side eversince you got knocked out.

"Where are they?" You asked. It was all silent but she keeps looking at you.

"Uh, Kanao-chan?" Again there was no answer. But then she realized that you were waiting for her answer and she didn't have that coin thing..

"Y-Yes, they left five days ago" she replied

"What?! Five days?" You were surprised, causing you to quickly sat up.

"A-Ow.." your whole body was still aching

"Please rest. You are not fully recovered yet" Kanao helped you to lay down on your futon

"Wait for me and I'll cook something for you " she stood up and went to the kitchen to cook.

You didn't any second. You stood up and grab your Nichirin blade to serve as your cane. Slowly, you walked out the house as you started to walk to the destination where the group of three is.

"Caw, caw! Where are you going ?!" Your caw lay down on your head as it kept on pecking your head.

"Argh, get off!" You shooed it away but it kept on pecking you.

Due to your crow's loud voice, you were noticed by Kanao and starting to drag you inside.

"Wha- waitt! Let me be there!!" You demanded but Kanao didn't listened to you and kept on dragging you.

With your skills, you were luckily to let go of Kanao's grip and you took advantage of it to make a run. Even though you ran, she caught up to you and knocked you out... wow, you're really are something.

And here you are at your situation, in your futon. Thinking of your demon hunter boyfriend and his friends. You just guessed that it's been a week since you felt like it.

You took a deep sigh before you moved. You grunt for every inch you moved, especially your nape.

"They really hit me that hard.. " you thought while massaging your nape.

You didn't see Kanao around guessing that she went home. But she did left some tea and your teacup. It wasn't warm anymore signing that Kanao left a few hours ago.

You stood up and reached out your Nichirin Blade to served as your cane, also your haori since it was cold. You walked out of your home with your wobby legs to get some air.

You didn't bother to eat since you don't have any food... but men, you were hungry.

When you were outside, you walked then you saw a stool. You sat down and closed your eyes enjoying the breeze.

Not any longer you saw a familiar crow flying above the sky. You jolted up and quickly went to the direction where the crow was until you saw him, Tanjiro.

He was all beaten out. Bruises, scratches, and cuts can be seen on his body. You stood there in shock, didn't know what to do.

When Tanjiro noticed your presence, he didn't wait any minute and run towards you.

"(Y/n)-chan!" He called out. He let go of his Nichirin Blade and opened his arms as he hugged you. Shocked by his actions it took awhile to react and caressed his back.

"Hey.. glad you're back" you said softly "I was so worried.. I didn't know what to d-" he didn't let you finished and smash his lips to yours.

His shyness were replaced by the tremendous love and passion. You couldn't believe of what you saw so you didn't know how to react, afterall it was the first time he did this to you.

He don't mind Inosuke and Zenitsu behind, all of what he think of is you. You alone. And with that, he pulled you closer by pulling your hips with his calloused hands. That time you've reacted to the kiss which you put your arms of his neck and your hands on his head.

When Tanjiro sensed that you need some air, he let go and the both of you were panting. Also, both of you were blushing mess.

"TAKE IT INISIDE !" Zenitsu yelled and he crossed his arms while Inosuke just sat there.. didn't say anything

"I- I-" Tanjiro started between his pants

"Hmm?" You replied

"I.. miss you so much (y/n)" he dropped his formalities and smiled as he caress your cheek as a reply you gave a smile which melted his heart.

"I miss your smile, your scent" he hugged you again and smelled your scent which made you blush.

"Also your touch" he look at your eyes and reached out your hand. Tanjiro caressed it first before he placed his lips on your hand.

"I miss my everything"

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