• 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 • [Rengoku Kyoujurou]

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This was requested by Im_U_but_Satan12 , man.. this was a hard one since i'm writing about my husbando HAHAHAHA but I hope you'll like it!

"Finally! Heading home"

I was at our village, heading straightly to my home after a long mission that lasted a week.

Being a Hashira is kinda hard. Hashiras expected to protect the weaker ones in order for them to grow. Our jobs also protects the people to obtain peace...even it's only temporarily.

I could resign anything with an acceptable reason but I can't to do so because my little sunshine is there—yes, the flame pillar himself Rengoku Kyoujurou.

He always do his job flawlessly that makes me motivated and to do my best. Also I could always see his face whenever we are summoned by Okayata-sama.

I finally reached my home. Unlocking the door as I threw my Nichirin sword and sandals at the side and went straightly to my bedroom. I unfolded my futon then plopped on it. I didn't even bother to change my attire so I unbuttoned some buttons on my uniform and straightly went to a deep slumber.



I slowly opened my eyes only to see the crow was resting on my window announcing the same statement over and over again

"Ugh.. seriously?" I grunted then closed my eyes as I placed my pillow over my head and lied sideways. I waited for a couple of minutes for the crow to stop before I placed my leg on my pillow—wait.. I only have one pillow

With that, I jolted and opened my eyes only to see a staring Kyoujurou in front of my face.

"Good evening (y/n)!" He greeted. His chin was rested to his palm. He's lying on sideways, facing towards me.

"Kyoujurou?!" I removed my leg on to his then I burried my face on my pillow

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you were there" I explained as I hid my reddening face

"Don't apologize you didn't know I was here! " he replied then he sat beside me

"So.. what brings you here?" I asked

"To get you! We are all being summoned for about 10 minutes ago" he explained. I processed for a moment before I reacted .

"10 minutes?! Why didn't you woke me up?" I sat infront of him with my arms crossed

"Well.. I enjoyed seeing (y/n) sleeping of course!" He flashed a smile that could almost light up the night.

Damn.. that was smooth, even my cheeks were like glowing with the different shades of red. I can't even argue with that

"A-Hmmph!" I stood up " I'm going to wash my face then we'll go" I went to the bathroom and washed my face, combed my hair , and checked my uniform.. and damn, I made a terrible mistake—I've been wearing my uniform that whole time that I was sleeping.

My uniform is above knee length skirt, that's almost the same like Mitsuri with some loose sleeves just like Muichiro.

Once again, my face begun to heat up thinking what I did when I was sleeping.

Did Kyoujurou saw me sleeping the whole time? With my skirt ?
With my unbuttoned uniform?

Those were the thoughts that were on my head in the bathroom.

"(Y/n) Are you ok?" Kyoujurou said on the other side of the door

"Yes I am!" I replied.

I calmed my racing heart and my blushing mess face before I went out the bathroom.

The time that I exited the bathroom, Kyoujurou was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. The moon's light radiating on his face that can highlight he's special features... like his lips.

"Hmm.. What's wrong? You're standing for a minute now" he asked in concern

"Nothing! Just tired I guess" I replied but he walked towards me and put his forehead on mine.

He checked my temperature by putting his forehead next to mine. He nodded and gave a little 'hmm!' Sound with a smile on his face

"Hmm! You're not sick!" He removed his forehead on mine

"I'm really not!" I demanded then walked away

"Come on , let's go!" With that you exited your house followed by Kyoujurou.

The both of you dissapeared in thin air and suddenly appeared on Okayata-sama's estate.

The other pillars were there, except for Shinobu and Giyuu since they're out on a mission.

The Okayata-sama wasn't there yet so all of you waited for his arrival.

"Ah! Mitsuri you came" I happily went to my bestfriend–the love pillar, Mitsuri Kanroji. Mitsuri wasn't attending the meetings too much since she was doing some personal matters. I was glad that she didn't resigned because of that.

"(Y/n)-chan!" She runned then pull me into a embrace "I miss you!" She said while spinning me on circles.

"Ok! Ok! You can put me down now, you're squishing me" she let me go and put me down

"Ah! Rengoku-san too" she pointed out and waved her hand

Mitsuri pulled me and whispered in my ear

"I see.. you two are going to do something, eh?"

With that I felt my cheeks heated.

"Wh-at?!" I exclaimed that causes everyone to look at us

"Ah.. sorry" I repeatedly bowed and apologized

"Pfft, just goodluck" Mitsuri winked and went to Obanai. Right after she left Kyoujurou was on my side

"What did Kanroji said (y/n)?" He asked. I looked away so that I could calm myself once again because oh boy.. my heart is like going to rip out every moment now.

"N-nothing! Nothing at all" I replied. After a few seconds Okayata-sama arrived.

"I'm glad that my children arrived safely"

The meeting didn't take long. We were dismissed right after, and now I'm with Kyoujurou heading home—to their home.

We were all silent, hand by hand walking down through the streets. You might be wondering why do I heading straightly to their home, it is because Kyoujurou suggested to.

We arrived at their mansion. It was all quiet, signing that they're all sleeping. We quietly entered and headed to Kyoujurou's bedroom.

Kyoujurou grab his extra futon and gave it to me that I gladly accepted, then I plopped on it.

"Yes! Finally some rest" I said while rolling on the futon.

While I was rolling I was stopped by two strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. He removed my hair on my nape as he took a sniff. It sends shivers down my spine.

"U-Uh, Kyoujurou?" I called

"Hmm?" He hummed as he keeps doing the same thing

"I'm ticklish..right?"

"Yes" he simply answered

"T-That's kinda tickles" after that he kissed my nape slowly—he was still sniffing

"Ah sorry (y/n), you're quite addicting you know that?"

I didn't answered, all I replied was the action I did after that.

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