• 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐟𝐭. 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐚 •『𝐀 𝟏𝐤 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥』

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I can't believe that this oneshits of mine would reach a 1k VOTES! Thank you so much for your support! (ノ´з`)ノ As a token of appreciation I give you the ' headcanons of the all the hashiras + the trio ft. Genya' ('cuz you know I promised on the last special.. ) (ノ*゚▽゚*) so yes, this would be long and I hope you'll bear with me. Without further ado let's get into it

I hope you'll love it ~ ( ◡‿◡ ♡)

Kamado Tanjiro

✼ Tanjiro is the boyfriend you could ever wish for.  He is caring, loving, sometimes overprotective and anything you could possible think!

✼ Your name will always have a 'chan' at the end of it since he thinks that's cute, but when he didn't include that part. Oh dear, he's dead serious.

✼Top priority of his after Nezuko ('cuz you know he wants to revert her) and that's seems to be fine with you.

✼ Sometimes, he's overreacting when your body was covered with bruises, scratches or cuts. 

"(Y/n)-chan! Are you sure you're okay? " he would repeat the same sentence over and over again when you just came back from a mission.

"I'm fine, I'm fine" and you would repeat this line whenever you are being asked by him.

He would make you everything just so you can heal fast. For example, making dishes you love, massaging you and even taking care of you. All at the same day.

Loves kissing your forehead a lot that sometimes you wonder :

"When will it be the time that he'll kiss me at the lips?"

Will always be the first one to initiate hugs, kisses or even cuddles. He would be very shocked when you're the first one to do it but he do loves it even more.

✼ Loves it when you love what he cares the most, like Nezuko. When you bond with her sister, he would stare at you in a distance and say

"Yes, I sure love you (y/n)"


✼ Whenever you're starting to doubt yourself, he's always here to tell you how amazing you are and tell you why he loves you.


✼ He is so romantic when it comes to any occasion like your birthday or even monthsary.

✼ So sweet that damn you'll have diabetes.


Shinazugawa Genya


✼ Genya is a type of boyfriend that so tough on the oustide but a softie in the inside.

✼ You were first hated him because of the way he talks and the way he acts.

✼ Eventually, you grow to like him because of his soft side of his that makes him look cute.


✼ He would avert his gaze whenever you look at him.

✼ Totally a tomato head when you were infront of him.

"Uh.. Genya?" You waved infront of his face because you know he's been starting at you all the time with his reddening face of his.

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