• 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧 • 『𝐀 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥』

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Oh shoot! It has 100 votes already?! o(≧▽≦)o Wahh thank you so much!! I didn't expect this.. I'm so touched! Thanks for the love and support and so I can express my gratitude, I have this 100 votes special of the four Hashiras~ ( ´∀`)ノ~ ♡

‣ Uzui Tengen
‣ Rengoku Kyoujurou
‣ Iguro Obanai
‣ Sanemi Shinazugawa

I'll make a full special of the Hashiras in the next special.. so please don't sue me 〣( ºΔº )〣

Also damn.. last episode for season 1 of Kimetsu no Yaiba has been released! Though I'm gonna miss it ( ╥ω╥ )

Uzui Tengen

It was Sunday morning, and you were inside of your house that Uzui and you shared.

"Ugh.. seriously?" You grunted and let down you shopping bag.

It was supposed to be your anniversary, your wedding anniversary to be precise. You were supposed to plan something special and you thought you can shop to the market but the rain stopped you for doing so.

You gave up and didn't bother to go out, afterall it's been four hours raining.

Yes, you were on a dayoff of being a demon hunter because the Okayata-sama knows that this was your special day for the both of you. But Tengen went out to slay some demons lurking around then this was the chance.. except this happens.

"What should I do now?" You thought walking around in circles thinking of an alternative way to make this day special

But before you even think, you heard your sliding door opened revealing the soaking wet Tengen with his hair untied. And oh yes, it was a sight to see.

"I'm home" he said then let himself in. After that he closed it.

"We-welcome back" you said then you turned around quickly. Why? Because damn except for his hair down and his wet, you can see his toned abs underneath his uniform and that sure makes you on.

"I'll go to the bathroom" he said then grab his towel. Before he could finally make himself in he called you.


"Y-Yes?" You replied and turned around to see him

"You don't wanna join? It fits for two"

"N-NO thank you!" You took forward then you pushed Tengen inside and forcefully closed the door.

Oh boy, it sure getting hotter. I mean, your face was getting hotter and your heart was pounding like crazy.

You calmed yourself by walking around while eating some Daifaku.

"Calm down, calm down" you repeatedly said then you felt strong arms around your waist and someone nuzzling your neck

"W-Wha! What are you doing?! " you yelled "also, you're quick!"

"Me? I'm giving affection to my wife, flamboyantly" he whispered on your ear and tightened his grip

"Why?" You asked and turned your face on the opposite direction for him to not notice your blushing mess face.

"Why? What is that question (y/n)?" He asked and let out a laugh "of course you are my wife. Also, I didn't forgot our anniversary " after that he started to kiss your neck.

"Mmgh.. that tickles"

"Good, because later would be a wild one" he stopped


"Happy Anniversary" then he started kissing again and damn.. you didn't see that coming after

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