• 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐰 • [Douma]

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Happy tenth chapter guys~ This was requested by CallMeOnigiri ! I hope you'll like it

Btw, tests are comin' soon so I might not be active for this week. I hope you'll understand :)

"(Y/n)! Why are you running?" The second-rank of the upper demon moon yelled as he kept on running to a young demon who was running away.

He let out a laugh as he kept chasing you, while you? You were running away. Why perhaps? He was about to crush you to death with his hugging.

You were a human. A beautiful human to be precise and that's why Doma liked you from the very start .

You were considered as one of the jewels of your village. With that angel-like beauty of yours, no one can resist you. That's why they treated you like a goddess back them.

Everyday people would gather to your small shrine as they pray for everything they wished. You were just listening to them, all day long. Without any interruptions.

You were tired-- more like sick of it. So when the time that you got the chance, you ran as fast as you could not even bothering to grab anything.

You ran to the deepest part of the woods that you don't even know where you are.

You felt freedom.

Freedom at last.

You also felt joy that no one can control you for what to do.

But that joy didn't lasted.

You looked around finding a way to exited the woods. Because damn, it was almost dawn. And you hated the dark--- what's more in the woods.

So yes, you were desperately calling for help


You regretted for what you did so you ran finding a way out. The more you remembered the way out, the more you ran into circles. That's why you gave up.

You sat down on the ground with grass underneath your feet. You looked around once again as tears starting to fall down from your face and then someone wrapped you on a piece of cloth .

You looked up of who it might be. Then you saw some gorgeous looking eyes that you don't see daily. His rainbow-like eyes were glowing like how the moon glows. You were mesmerized for the sight you see.

"Yahoo~ " he greeted while he waves his hand at you . You didn't even noticed that he was talking to you because you were so drowned on his eyes

So yes, he blinked and scratched his nape before looking at you in a confused look

"Uh, hello?" He asked once again but this time you noticed it

You waved back akwardly as you tugged the haori he placed on your shoulders.

"Are you alive?" He asked slightly poking your cheek. You jolted from that and moved backward

"Ah! You are" he smiled and clasped his hands

"You. You have some beautiful features there " he pointed at you

"That's what everybody told me" you simply replied

"You can speak!" He clapped in delight which leaving you so confused.

He leaned in and whispred to your ear.

"You are supposed to be my dinner for tonight but maybe next time"

Your face started to forms beads of cold sweat and you gulped for your response.

"Since you got some amazing features I'll let you aside " he smiled which you sighed for relief.

Yes, you already know that he's a demon--- because he has a word written on his right eyeball, saying 'second upper moon' .

You were supposed not to believe in demons that everybody rumors about. But this time it changed, you encountered one. What's more a member of twelve kizuki that everybody said that they are the most frightening demons you'll ever counter--- so as possible stay away from there. But there you were face to face with one of them.

"But there is one little favor here dearie~" he said. You tilted your head

"Drink my blood" that's what he said before he cut his neck. Blood were rolling down on his neck down to his chest.

You gulped once again, didn't know what to do. You've got a plan to escape but you already knew that you weren't easily to escape him so you just sat there, watching him looking at you.

"Drink my blood and you'll be like me" he let out a flashy smile "and you'll be saved "

With that last statement of his, you started to felt doubt in your mind.

"S-Saved?" You stuttered. He blinked for a couple of times before he once again clasped his hands

"Yes! You will be. If you are able to take it" with that you slowly leaned to him. You pushed aside his hair before you positioned yourself beside his neck.

"Drink it" he commanded then with that you leaned on it sucking his blood, licking all the trails of blood on his neck down to his chest

"Yes! Yes! More" he laughed and pulled your head closer to his neck.

It was delicious. His blood was beyond your expectations, that's why you can't stop. But you felt a sudden pain in your heart which made you stopped.

Your chest was like on fire but it was also squeezing you to death. It was hard to breathe , and damn on that time you forgot to breathe. Tears were going out of your eyes as you felt a sudden transformation on your body.

"Are you okay~?" He asked looking at you with his eyes full of delight.

Of course you didn't answered. You were suffering.

Your body was changing form. You have grown fangs in your teeth and your fingernails were starting to grow and also it turned black. Your hair changed into (h/c) with white ends. Also your eyes changed--- it was full of life.

When your transformation was done, you panted as you saw your kimono ripped into some parts of it. And yes, your body changed.

You looked up and saw him looking at you with amazement

"Woah! Glad you conquered it! Sugoi! Sugoi!" He clapped. He bent down on your eye level before he took some of your hair strands on his palm. He leaned on it gently kissing it.

"You are beautiful as ever" he said and that made your heart felt alive again .

"I'm Douma" he smiled

Back to the mansion that the two of you shared. You were still being chased by him.

You are also a member of the upper-demon, but you are just ranked as the fourth.

"(Y/n)! Stop running~ I just want to hug you" he said while you were not stopping

"NEVER!" You yelled.

Yes, you are now considered as his girlfriend which sometimes you regretted it and sometimes not.

In a split second Douma was infront of you. His arms were opened wide with a smile on his face.

You cannot stop so you ended up being captured by him.

He locked you down on his arms, not letting you go. You cannot even budge by his hug, so you gave up.

Your position was mesmerizing because you can see his beautiful rainbow-like eyes looking at you deeply---like you were in your human days. Yes, you have fallen for him again by his gaze.

"Ara ara~ (y/n)-chan sure likes my hugs" he chirped and you just smiled

"But just this time though"

And with that, the both of you stayed like that for a while.

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